
I am dheeraj . Soon I am going to launch a website
Which is related to Hyderabad india for that I require a bulk mailing (Looking for safe mailing list ) list to promote my site .if any body knows where to buy or any resources then please let me know.

Jobs_links@yahoo.com :cool:

Send me a PM. I will help you.

I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Promoting a website by buying a mailing list is a pretty spammy tactic. Some might even look down on your new site for it - which isn't a good first impression. You might find yourself with more enemies than new visitors.

I agree with you Dani. But I am not going to sell him the email IDs. I have around 1000 of IDs those are sending junk mails everyday. I planned to give that IDs free of cost.

Is it 4.00 PM there? The only think I dislike with Daniweb is, I am getting the replies to my posts after midnight only. (Here the time is 2.4O A.M.)

Why would you even have 1,000 emails that you send junk mail to? :) You spammer you!

Do you mean the emails you receive about new posts in the threads that you are subscribed to? There should be a preference in your control panel to receive Instant notifications, daily notifications, or weekly notifications. If they're being sent out once a day at midight, you'll need to switch from daily to instant.

It's 4:15 pm here but an hour behind in Texas, where the server is located.

Oooooh ... you mean that people are only active on the site during your night time! Oh, yeah ... I misunderstood you :) That's actually not true though because a couple of our moderators are actually from Australia. They hang out in the Tech Talk section mostly though.

No, I am not referring the notification mails.

Sending emails are the only way here to promote a site, because I heard google will take 9 - 12 months to index a new site completely. MSN and Yahoo are faster comparing to google. But a report says 90% indians use google to search.

Anyway I have to sleep. See you tomorrow. Bye da! (It's 3:04 AM here)

Nitey nite :)

I disagree with using email to promote a site - unless you are legitimately buying advertising space on an established opt-in newsletter. What I would definitely recommend is to take the money that you would use to spam people and instead put it towards Google AdWords or some other pay-per-click program or paid inclusion in the search engines. AdWords starts at $0.05 per click and believe me, you'll get a LOT farther than you would investing into spam mail that not just gets deleted before it's read, but leaves a bad taste in the person's mouth about your company.

The trick to Google is to get lots of backlinks ... lots of people linking to you - the more people who link to you, the more frequently Google bot crawls your site and the deeper it crawls and indexes. When starting out, do this by swapping links for free and also submit to all of the free directories (there are millions of them!). It might not seem like you're doing a whole lot, but it's a fantastic way to get started and get your site on the map.

I know Google puts new domains into a "sandbox" for a couple of months but I'm not exactly sure how that works so I'll leave it up to someone else to fill in the gaps.

I am betting that he is same guy as here : http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=28567

I would not really waste my time helping him out since all he wants to do is use illegal methods. And, it is because of people like him that webmasters from India get a bad reputation. :(

Hello pulse,

i dont have any post on this thread
there also my id is linkstudio you can check it and thanks for this reply i will not use this illigal method now onwards instead i have thinking of using yahoo/gmail groups
will it benefit me please suggest.


I am betting that he is same guy as here : http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=28567

I would not really waste my time helping him out since all he wants to do is use illegal methods. And, it is because of people like him that webmasters from India get a bad reputation. :(

/me quietly sneaks into the conversation and politely reminds everyone that no site specific talk is permitted here. Thanks!

Hello pulse,

i dont have any post on this thread
there also my id is linkstudio you can check it and thanks for this reply i will not use this illigal method now onwards instead i have thinking of using yahoo/gmail groups
will it benefit me please suggest.


My apologies if you are not the same person (though your writing style looks pretty same to me but I'd give you the benifit of doubt. ), however, what you are trying to do i.e. spam newsgroups and forum is till illegal and unethical.

I'd suggest that you read some book on online marketing and advertising in general and then follow conventional methods of promoting your site. They will be good for you in long term and more effective. :)

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