Hey you guys out there . I am a newbie in the website ownership field but I had an idea of building a forum which could cater to the discussions of every topic that a person nowdays thinks of ...like travel , health , finance ,entertainment , fashion , tech , web etc etc . Now after the designer gave me the site ready I am running out of ideas of how to get it started and get it booming . My financial credentials are not good , so I am unable to hire a SEO team to do it . some of my friends are helping me out with it .
Please could anyone suggest what could I do to make out some good earnings from the site . I have used vbulletin in the forums. please anybody help me out with it .

To begin with, why would people be coming to your site, instead of an existing site?

To begin with, why would people be coming to your site, instead of an existing site?

I have the variety and will have content in the future too .

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