I want to show my free website to a specific industry and i found that industry listed on hxxp://email-list(.)com .
They ensure that all the list all opt-in and the website looks good for what i see. Also i cant find any information saying that is not legal to use them.
Shall i buy the list and then create a mail campaign to double opt-in while showing my services?
What are your toughs? Thanks

It is legal.

How would you think it is legal? It never legal and it can not bring you money!

I just took a look at email-lists.com. They're definitely a legit company. They have their company address listed on their website. Their address is in Florida. I guarantee you, if it were illegal to purchase anything from them, the U.S. Government would have shut them down.

I believe that mass mailing campaigns are a thing of the past whereas you're better off advertising on twitter, facebook, or other social media. However, I still hear from other sources that mass e-mail campaings still generate a lot of revenue. They're cheap, so you might as well use it. Best of luck.

Do you think people believe the mail ads ?
Reach your cosumers from the contact and promote your products and services.
Good Luck

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