Is is better for me to write and article and post it on my blog or give it away to another higher traffic blog with a byline.

What are your experiences?

Its better to post your article in blog but after submitting on blog don't submit it to the different article sites.

I think first publish it on your blog then promote it by submitting its link in social bookmarking, article submission etc. techniques....

And according to me if you are publishing first on your blog then it would be more beneficial for you because if you will do a bit promotion for quick indexing for new contents then you can booooom.

Always keep in mind that after publish new contents bookmark them to top 10 or more social bookmarking sites. Because by this way your contents will index very quickly and quick indexing will help you lots in promotion.

RS Seo Solution

>I think first publish it on your blog then promote it by submitting its link in social bookmarking, article submission etc. techniques....

It's a useless effort to publish the same article everywhere, it would be regarded as duplicate content and not taken into account for your rankings. Better keep your blog always updated with fresh and good quality content and do social bookmarking at the same time with other articles that relate to your niche.

Unique contents are always better. I always write my contents by my own.

> It's a useless effort to publish the same article everywhere, it would be regarded as duplicate content and not taken into account for your rankings.

Great response and dead on correct. Duplicate content can even cause your site to be pushed down the search engine rankings. New and quality content on your site first and foremost is key. Not only can it help with SEO, but it can encourage human visitors to keep coming back, comment on your blogs, bookmark your site, tweet your blogs, etc.

Is is better for me to write and article and post it on my blog or give it away to another higher traffic blog with a byline.

What are your experiences?

it is much more effective if you choose to stand on your own if you can, meaning, you'll be more efficient in doing things or executing plans with regards to marketing but if you think you can't do it yourself it would be much more productive because you ought to use the available resources around you.

It is an effective way to post a content on your blog than submitting to various article submission sites. And it not a right way to use blog's content to submit in article sites. No search engine likes this way and may be it count as spam.

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