
iam not really sure were to start

i am in the process in building an online dating site just for the uk which is coming on well the problum i have is how to advertise it

my questons are blow

the keywords which i want to use are

uk dating
adult dating site uk
uk dating agency
online dating uk
online dating in uk
dating in uk
internet dating uk
free dating uk
uk dating site
dating free online

now how many links will i need to get into google first page

whats the best way to advertise the keywords

will ppc click work

i dont want to spend 100s but is there any cheaper way i can get top of google

where to start first



I hope this will help you to get most appropriate relevant keywords to your search phrase;

This is recommended way to start with starting from Search Engine Submission Pages;
http://www.google.com/addurl.html (for Google, Yahoo, and AOL)
http://www.altavista.com/addurl (for AltaVista)
http://www.alltheweb.com/add_url.php (for Lycos/Fast)
http://submit.search.yahoo.com/free/request (Yahoo Search/Inktomi)

Next step should be Directory Submission Pages:

http://dmoz.org/add.html (for DMOZ, Google, AOL, Others)
http://docs.yahoo.com/info/suggest/ (for Yahoo Directory)

Next step Link development/SEO and promotion.

i'm kinda going through the same problem with my man ricky here. I just finished buildings up this website that took my hours. but i'm having the difficulties on getting traffic on it. It's been a month, and i'm still the only person visiting my website. I have submiteed my site to major S.E, and still no results. I must be doing something wrong. can someone pls help me out

Since your site is new I think your site might be in probation period in sandbox. Playing with google in sand....

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