I have some questions with regards to email marketing and facebook advertising. I cannot find anything specific for a marketplace site like mine. I am trying to promote seller's items with facebook ads as well as categories, and may consider adroll for the same items and category pages. Also, I have a buyer newsletter mailchimp signup form, and am doing some promoted posts of the sellers items. Here are all of my questions. I am trying to avoid being spammy. I could not find a definite answer on facebook's ad guideline pages.

Email invites on the site(not related to facebook but part of my possible marketing strategies)
1. Send-out email invites via php script to allow sellers to invite their friends(sellers only) to sell on my site say five at a time per seller and later even use this for discounts for the referrer.

Are any of the following things against Facebook Ads Guidelines including promoted posts?
2. Many sites like ebay, bonanza and ecrater directly share some of their seller's listings on their page. Is it allowed to promote those posts with a "Boost Post" ?
3. May I use seller's images for various products when promoting the actual website as an External URL in a regular facebook ad for a general category(destination url - category page) or an ad for that seller's specific product(destination url - product page)?
4. Use a facebook retargeting service like adroll to retarget the above products and category pages?
5. I have a mailchimp newsletter sign up app on my page for our Shopper Newsletter - may I promote it with an ad or do a "boost post"?
Here is another situation when I am using facebook and posting *as myself *about my business to my personal friends list?
• Is it allowed to directly share the business page with friends explaining what it is?
• Is it allowed to invite friends to the page who have liked similar businesses online or groups which showed in their status stream or who are trying to sell items on their own stream?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Email invites on the site(not related to facebook but part of my possible marketing strategies)


I will asking 1 question.

Try not to post 2 questions in 1 thread because most likely no one will take time answer that many questions.

  1. Send-out email invites via php script to allow sellers to invite their friends(sellers only) to sell on my site say five at a time per seller and later even use this for discounts for the referrer.


Is that legal on Facebook?

On a programmer side, it will work if you used like a php mail to send out info correctly not spamming to friends.

It's solid method and still effective.

You have to be careful not to over do it.

Okay, I probably should have formatted the facebook as one question.
Are the things I have from 2. onward okay for facebook? Forget #1.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Okay, I probably should have formatted the facebook as one question.


I don't know. I'm not familiar with facebook ads

But for mail chimp, it does keep track of open emails and display % of it.

That does give you an idea whether the email is effective or not.

Thanks, I guess I try somewhere else for facebook stuff.

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