I've constantly stuggled with the issue of how much time to devote to helping out the very inexperienced online marketer. How much hand holding should I do before forcing the person to do something on their own.

I think I'm doing all I can, but I always want to do more and more importantly do right for our program and all the other affiliates in it.

Its not clear, are you helping someone for online marketing or getting your work done by that inexperienced marketer ?

I'm the affiliate manager helping people brand new to the online marketing world.

Sometimes, they don't even know how to log into their accounts with the password I email them.

Ken runs an affiliate program. Affiliates use PPC, banner ads, etc to sell his product. However, he's saying that they often need a ridiculous amount of hand holding. IMO being an affiliate is like a [EMAIL="work@home"]work@home[/EMAIL] job. It's not your job to launch their business for them, though :) I suspect that the best method is to write a VERY detailed, step by step tutorial on how to get started, what to expect along the way through the whole process, and exactly how to get from knowing nothing to being a successful affiliate. You can point all new affiliates to the tutorial and I am sure they will appreciate the effort. It will also help to get new affiliates off the ground and earning money quicker. A slightly more advanced tutorial could be written to help existing affiliates optimize their ad campaigns, finetune their efforts and generate more revenue and conversions. Remember, the tutorial only needs to be written once. But it will help over and over again.

"To write a VERY detailed, step by step tutorial on how to get started" CSCgal, its really a good idea.

Thank you.

I've thought about this many times. The stumbling block is what method to suggest.

If I write a VERY detailed guide to setting up a ppc account then I may have hundreds of people bidding on the same words in Google and getting horrible conversions.

If I write a VERY detailed guide to creating a blog then I've got hundreds of identical blogs out there, not good.

If I write a VERY detailed guide to creating a website from scratch then people will get frustrated cause they have to put so much work into it and wait upwards of possibly 2 or 3 months to see their first sale.

The idea is a good one, but how to implement it is much like rocking a rhyme that's right on time. It's tricky.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Don't write a guide specifying which keywords to use. Instead, write a guide specifying how to come up with the best keywords. In other words, write a VERY detailed guide to how to create good keywords, how to know when a keyword is not performing well, how to tell whether a keyword has too much competition, and so forth. Then let your affiliates optimize their own campaigns, and they will each take them in separate directions.

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