I had just added a paypal website standard payment to my website, But need some help listed below:

1. I need to add 5% tax to all payment.
IF my client pay me $500 then 5% tax should be added and at paypal he should pay $500+5%.
In profile --> Selling preferences we can add regional tax but I need to add tax for all sale and region.

2. I am in India, I need to know is there any merchant service provider who send me the payment in U.S.D. like in paypal when i withdraw blance it convert the funds in INR as i need who can send me money in U.S.D. as I will attach that payment gateway and will accept the credit card payment from them.

3. Can you please provide me some of the merchat service provider.

Like Paypal is the easy one I think, I need to know some of the more paypal bro-sis who provide service like paypal.

Second one are like authorize or verisign they are trusted and you need to have good knowledge to integrate then so if possbile please provide few trusted merchat mervice provides as while we search google we see lots of results but as any one who is experienced in the files can guide me as that will be more useful.

Thank you all for your time.

1. I need to add 5% tax to all payment.
IF my client pay me $500 then 5% tax should be added and at paypal he should pay $500+5%.
In profile --> Selling preferences we can add regional tax but I need to add tax for all sale and region.

You will need to do this programmatically on your end before you send the transaction over to Paypal.

3. Can you please provide me some of the merchant service provider.

Like Paypal is the easy one I think, I need to know some of the more paypal bro-sis who provide service like paypal.

Being you are not in the United States you don't have a lot of options. Worldpay is probably the best known. I Hear ccbill being mentioned frequently. I'm not sure if 2checkout is available outside of the US.

Second one are like authorize or verisign they are trusted and you need to have good knowledge to integrate then so if possbile please provide few trusted merchat mervice provides as while we search google we see lots of results but as any one who is experienced in the files can guide me as that will be more useful.

Authorize.net and Verisign are the two most trusted payment gateway providers. But they require a true merchant account to be used which limits their availability to you.

My personal experience with Authorize.net shows that they are very easy to integrate into a website. Their API is very straightforward and they even provide sample code in many languages. I've never integrated a Verisign gateway but I do know they actually have built in functions in PHP just for doing that so I can't imagine it being too hard.

For Indian merchant paypal is the best.

CCBill supports (adult) membership type websites for the most part. They are a great IPSP, but won't do a lot of processing for other companies. They have a niche and they know what they are good at. Their scrubbing is great but they will support memberhsip type based websites for the most part.

CCNow and CCAvenue might be another option as well that might suit your needs.

Just be careful with CCAvenue as they currently do not accept MasterCard which is the second most popular credit card after Visa.

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