I am starting to run out of ideas and was hoping i might be able to get some advice on marketing my site/forum but i will give you a quick run-down on what i have done to promote and a little background of the site..

AYW was started 2 years ago just as a forum. The forum has over 250 members and more than doubled in the past year. The forum had a server change a yr ago so there should be over 70,000 threads but information was lost in the transition but it is a very busy little forum.

The only page of the site was the forum but in the past month the site has been redesigned as well as the forum hence the lack of information links on the pages, but i am starting to gather text links to add which i am happy to have for free.. I will be starting an online giftstore in the next few months so i really need to promote the site.

I have advertised in the following;

* australian business directories
* pay per month for search engine submissions
* google ad words are already on site
* classified ads (free & paid)
* tee'd up AYW as a main link on 2 large australian websites
* added the banner to topsites exchanges for women community/forums
* submitted the site to a few magazines (which haven't been published sadly)
* about to try google ad words

There are a few more places i have added the site, just can't remember them all right now, so where can i go next? Any advice would be appreciated and i am ALL for constructive critisim.. :cheesy:

If the site is an actual business venture then you should try advertising in some womens magazines and possibly newspapers. You should also make some posts in other people forums (that are on your topic) with your domain in your signature.

You should keep up google adwords and try other advertising campaigns. I received an information pack from microsoft the other day about Microsoft Adcenter. You may like to research that.

Good luck

Seems as though it could be quite the task to get your website noticed especially with so many out there. And, the site does have to have something different then the others, talk about having to be creative.

I have been writing articles for several years online and have found that it helps with getting my sites linked.

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