hi im interested in starting my own business, just want to gather some ideas so if you guys can help out i would b gratefull. I have a low budget and need realistic ideas which require part time work.

thanks in advance

Probably best to start with answering some basic questions:

What are you good at
What skills do you have
Have you identified a market need for something.

The trick is having a good idea, finance is not a problem if you have a great idea as there's lots of VC money floating about the place.

Can't provide you with any great ideas, But you may get some businees ideas from {removed site name/link} You get all kind of information and help like if you want to know about e-commerce, Business Opportunity, marketing advertising etc. You get all these details in one place. But still you’ll have to do that for yourself, and remember there are lots of low capital, low time requirement potentials out there.

What to do when you have a great Idea but no Knowledge about legal procedures, product development, marketing, and distributing???

Depends on your interest and expertise level in specific field, did you started looking into freelancing sites?

You must have some idea about the field. After that, you can decide your marketing model, and whether you will be purely online, offline, or a combination. What is the field you want to be in?

online advertising and social media is a good way to start up

first you have to decide on what you want to do generally
and then, when you know WHAT sphere you take up, you start planning and thinking of marketing, budget, outcomes and measures. Ypu also have to think about your expectaions.

If you are taking about internet business then i guess affiliate marketing is the easiest and most rewarding ..... if it clicks ...... good luck

Making money through internet is always been a good and a bit easy source to raise your income. There are number of ways by which you can have a fair income.

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