I want to build a community portal for my neighborhood and need help. Where can I find books, tutorials or examples on how to build your own portal?
Thanks a mil

A portal can mean so many things nowadays. Do you want it to have unique content? Do you want it to be more like the MSN/Yahoo portals? Do you want a forum? etc. It would almost definitely need to require a backend web development language such as PHP. Could you please provide some more information as to exactly what you're looking for so that we can offer more help?

Thanks for the quick response. Basically I want to provide something like a one-stop information portal. Information such as travel, sports, schools, community anouncements etc. I guess it will have content.


My site is a portal << snipped to comply with forum policy >> and i uses mambo OS and it is great and i would say far better than PHP-Nuke or Post-Nuke. If you need any help with anythink in setting up your mambo portal let me know and i will be happy to help you or anyone else that are going to use mambo.

I have tried Post-Nuke, PHP-Nuke and E107 portal software and they are nothing compared to mambo. The next best i would say is e107.

Email me at: webmaster@webmasterglobal.com
For any help that you require and i will try my best to answer any question you may have.

Hope mambo is the CMS for you cos it is for me.

Member Avatar for TKSS

Try mambo...it's easy to use and easy to configure..and the documentation is fantastic.


I am developing my own portal, but still i recommand you to use mambo alone/

PHPNuke is nice, but for just what you said, i agree with the use of mambo.

Mambo was awarded the best open source this year

I use postnuke to power some of my sites: << snipped to comply with forum policy >> Its and excellent stable and robust CMS, great for building portals

can anyone tell me the charges that mambo has

yeah, you can try Mambo open source, add some forums. chat and all that stuff
you can visit my site that i just build for about a week or so for my community in Malaysia, << snipped to comply with forum policy >> u can find my email there and if you need futher help just mail o.k?:)

I want to build a community portal for my neighborhood and need help. Where can I find books, tutorials or examples on how to build your own portal?
Thanks a mil

Hey Joseph,

I'm pro postnuke.com. I've used it on several sites and you can get alot of plugin features from the community. Calendars, forums, games, photo galleries, classifieds, personals, etc. It has all levels of permissions for users and admins.

You can see one of the sites in action here.

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If you are interested in building something like that, let me know. you can email me at lonny@newvisiondevelopment.com

Best regards,


can anyone tell me the charges that mambo has

Open source sort of mean free so there are no charges for mambo

Open source sort of mean free so there are no charges for mambo

Hi folks. This is my first post!

I have read that mambo should be run on a dedicated server...have you found this to be the case?


Hi folks. This is my first post!

I have read that mambo should be run on a dedicated server...have you found this to be the case?


no u do not need a dedicated server.......
i personnaly host on shared hosting
visit my site using mambo
<< snipped to comply with forum policy >>

is the company i use to host my site... :p

so what happened...did u build yr community?

it's been so long since my last post..to busy :D :cool:

so what happened...did u build yr community?

it's been so long since my last post..to busy :D :cool:

No. Could not install mambo

This is for cscgal I to am trying develop a portal page like msn/yahoo but I am lost and have a few questions for you were do I start? I really would like to start with a good template them mod. To what I want it to look like what do you think of using 1&1 for this project? I need some help

Wow, easy there. I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself. A portal page is going to be dynamic, which means that it will be based on a server side programming language. You'll need to research how to find a good web hosting company with database support, and set up a database. You'll then need to find some type of portal script to power this new database-driven website.

As far as I am concern,you have two major options to choose from and that's "Drupal or Joomla".The open source softwares are constantly being designed or created with your wishes and thoughts in mind.Once installed and setup,you need no technical know-how to operate any of these state-of-the-art CMS.Anything you can think of is achievable expecially with drupal as it is the most optimized cms in recent times for SEO

This is a problem I'm working on myself. My employer has spec'd a very ambitious community portal and I am lost. Joomla! doesn't seem to offer the different types of users I want and Drupal doesn't seem as well supported. But I've never done anything like this so I'm not even sure what I'm talking about.

I'd like to use php/mySQL on an Apache server.
We'll have a small handful of admins, two types of content providers who can manage access to their own sections and tens of thousands of users with different types of paid and free access.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Even if it's 'hire someone who knows what they're doing'.

This is a problem I'm working on myself. My employer has spec'd a very ambitious community portal and I am lost. Joomla! doesn't seem to offer the different types of users I want and Drupal doesn't seem as well supported. But I've never done anything like this so I'm not even sure what I'm talking about.

I'd like to use php/mySQL on an Apache server.
We'll have a small handful of admins, two types of content providers who can manage access to their own sections and tens of thousands of users with different types of paid and free access.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Even if it's 'hire someone who knows what they're doing'.

I have the high-tech to help with community portal.I have the know-how to offer just what you are looking for and within a reasonable short period of time.I can offer my services and help to you for up to one year at no extra cost provided you hire me to do the job.I have been working with Drupal for 4yrs and I do also offer Drupal CMS Training.Drupal will do exactly what you want and I can also tweak it to fit into your shoe.Send me a private message if you are interested and then we can take it from there.

download drupal then start adding new mods and make it online.

download drupal then start adding new mods and make it online.

One step ahead of you. I'm having a bit of trouble grokking the cck. Right now I'm putting the archive section together and I want to set up a podcast section with 200ish hosts and several thousand mp3s.

I've ordered a couple Drupal 6 books and I registered for the Bay Area Drupal Camp, badcamp.net. I feel like I'm missing the underlying idea for Drupal and I'm hoping that a face to face conversation with a guru will really help me understand what it's all about.

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