I'm just starting out and would like to get my name out there a little. I only send 100 e-mails a week or so and most of them are to the same people. I've heard that e-mail footer advertising works pretty well. It did for yahoo and hotmail. I'd like to know if anyone knows of a free e-mail service that allows you to sponsor their e-mail footers?

There are lots of them!, Why not search in google, You will find them. If not PM me.

Or better still, keep it in the forums and share your knowledge with other DaniWeb members and guests!

Sorry for being so ...well anyways

you can check http://www.freemail.com.au they have several type of free emails that you might kind want to look at !!.. I think they sponsor the signatures in their footers..
I will let you know if I find some others too..

Thanks again

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