Hi, maybe someone can help me. Need big volumes of UK traffic for my sites. We are already using GOOGLE ADWORDS, YAHOO SM, MSN, MIVA еtс... maybe someone knows where could we get more UK traffic?

Sorry if this post made in wrong part of site, please remove it to necessary place in such case

You can get more traffic to UK by using Google Trend or Keywordcountry.com as to track keywords and keywords which has traffic. You can try using the social bookmarking and social media site. It can help boost traffic for a site.

You can get more traffic to UK by using Google Trend or Keywordcountry.com as to track keywords and keywords which has traffic. You can try using the social bookmarking and social media site. It can help boost traffic for a site.

we are running VERY big campaigns in google/yahoo, so there is no chanse to grow up. regarding social media sites, could you please post some examples? because i'm outside Uk resident and know not much such sites...

You should do some content modification and update it, also check you should get listed in major UK directories.

Social media site is an online technologies on which you can share content and media themselve. They used tools like message boards, communities, forums , webblog and a lot more. One example of social media site is Myspace and Facebook.

we are running VERY big campaigns in google/yahoo, so there is no chanse to grow up. regarding social media sites, could you please post some examples? because i'm outside Uk resident and know not much such sites...

Submit sites to different directories and promote through forums, blog, social networking sites, classified sites etc...

uk directories, forums and social sites

do blogs in high page rank , social marketing is the best way to increase traffic and marketing.U can submit article in high PR but make sure article must be unique and simple.

link campaign, forums, blog comments

Article marketing is another way to attract traffic is to write articles referring to your page in links on high ranking pages.
The higher the pagerank of the page linking to you the better...

Yahoo Search marketing MSN adCenter and affiliate marketing are the best ways to attract traffic you can use it.

I will grew ur traffic what you will pay me. you can contact me through email

you can direct your google campaign only to UK dastination!

try to get backlinks from the domain .uk
include UK in your anchor text.
forum from UK
exchange link with UK related sites

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