Ok.. I need help with layouts.. I've been trying to make layouts at the moment.. I've just been making test ones to see how they work.. but now Im having trouble.. I upload my layout html and image folder.. but it still doesnt work! Here is what happened: http://black-fx.pt-web.net/rf.html Thats what it looks like.. :eek:.. Also... if Dreamweaver is good.. can you please show me peices of your work with it.. thanks alot people! :cool:

Well, from what Ive seen, all your images ARE in the imaes folder. Try it again and CHMOD the folder to 755 or 777. If that dont work, then do it to the iamges as well.

Incase that dont work? Thats a major problem I hae no clue on. It should worked the way you had it from the looks of it.

Also, in Dreamweaver, Double Click the images to make sure its all inthe right path too. Sometimes, that can cause the problem.

Im not using dreamweaver atm.. I was asking to see if anyone used it.. I gonna use it if I see some peoples website.. and if it looks nice I will go get it :D

Hey buddy
Dreamwever is a WYSIWYG coding tool. What comes out of dreamweaver is a reflection of the users graphics skill, not how good the program is. Any text editor in experienced hands can produce exactly the same web site, and that includes Notepad.

Also your image files are corrupted. Check them locally to ensure they're ok, then reupload. Firefox says: "The image has errors and cannot be displayed".

Hey buddy
Dreamwever is a WYSIWYG coding tool. What comes out of dreamweaver is a reflection of the users graphics skill, not how good the program is. Any text editor in experienced hands can produce exactly the same web site, and that includes Notepad.

Also your image files are corrupted. Check them locally to ensure they're ok, then reupload. Firefox says: "The image has errors and cannot be displayed".

HA, Dave, your a good man bro, where ya been all this time? LOL;).
Anyways, that was a very good answer actually. Didnt think of anything shorter to say as usual.

Ok.. so this is like a graphics program?

Anyways, that was a very good answer actually. Didnt think of anything shorter to say as usual.

lol ;)

Ok.. so this is like a graphics program?

It's the industry standard html editor... generally used with photoshop, the industry standard graphics editor.

Why don't you head over to www.Macromedia.com, and download their 30 day trial version of Dreamweaver? Sort of 'try before you buy', to get a feel for what it does.

edit: link for you: http://www.macromedia.com/downloads/

Also, could I offer you one piece of advice? Well I'm going to anyway lol ;)
Instead of using a massive image and slicing it up to a million little pieces, try using a layout, either in a table from a html editor, or a proper css layout, and use html background colors to save some of your images. That really cuts down your download times, and if your layout breaks it's easier to fix.

I learned HTML and PHP there.. Thnx.. I guess.

I'd suggest CSS as well - that's the 'presentation' language, that will simplify everything you ever do with backgrounds, colors and layout.

I learned HTML and PHP there.. Thnx.. I guess.

Once again, Dave has struck back.

Im not using dreamweaver atm.. I was asking to see if anyone used it.. I gonna use it if I see some peoples website.. and if it looks nice I will go get it :D

Right ermm, Well, I use it and I hoppe your saw my site just before I deleted it. Im starting a new site. However the point is, that the site I DID have up like not even 24 hours ago yet, It was entirely made with fireworks and dreamweaver. Oh and my favorit, I cant leave this out....MySQL.

I used dreamweaver to connect to my DAtabase and pulled info from it to display onthe front page of the portal. Also with a few pages actually. And the information that I was using was from my vBulletan board.

So, using dreamweaver can help you out alot and save you alot of time rather then just a notepad or any other programs you WOULD use.

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