
If you search in google for, let's say, "Personalized Presents" you see www.personalizedpresents.com as the first site.

Can someone tell me how I can get my own websites to appear in a similar layout with a link to each of the pages (there are 8 listed in this example) rather than just one page like the ones in 2nd to 10th place in the list.



Each website domain normally appears at most twice in a single Google listing. It might appear more times if many other websites have links to different pages on it, or if there are mirror sites.

Now I would love to tell you there is a set way of doing this! I thought it was to do with submitting a google sitemap (you'll find details here: http://www.google.com/webmasters/) but actually i now am not so sure. My friend has a website that gets a listing like that but definitely doesn't have a sitemap from google.

I think the google sitemap stuff might help you but it will also be down to how many pages and how big your site is, and how many visitors you get.

Please let us know if you find anymore.

I've got a feeling that only the listing that appears FIRST in the list qualifies for this type of listing?

I've tried xml sitemaps and also xml.gz sitemaps and my sites still don't appear like this.

Do you think that also being listing in google maps might help?

Yeh I think only the first search listing will display like that but I don't think google maps will make any difference.

Google uses search robots to probe each ISP for web pages.

If the ISP has a "no robots" flag set, then Google skips the probe, but it will still find individual pages on those sites when pages on other ISPs contain links to them.

You really can't control how Google will place your site, for two reasons:

1. You don't know what the user will enter into the search window.

2. Your placement is not an absolute location, but is relative to the placements of other sites with better or worse matches to the search text. The best matches appear first.

Google does look for page packing, where the same word is repeated over and over without intervening text. It ignores that word in that site when doing the search.

Dude i don't understand What are you really want to say.
So please clear with your thoughts.So, We understand you easily
And may provide some better help to you.
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I will gonna happy to help you.

I think it is pretty clear what he wants to do... I stand by the fact that you have to be a very big well visited website, with alot of content, otherwise I guess the googlebots just don't make the effort!

Sitelinks are additional links Google sometimes generates from site contents in order to help users navigate your site. Google generates these sitelinks periodically from your site's contents.

Because we generate sitelinks dynamically, this list can change from time to time

Example Search ResultThis is an example of what a search result with sitelinks looks like. The sitelinks are displayed below.
www.example.com/ - 10k - Cached - Similar pages
People and Places
About Us Latest Additions
More results from example.com

Google has not generated any sitelinks for your site. Sitelinks are completely automated, and we show them only if we think they'll be useful to the user. If your site's structure doesn't allow our algorithms to find good sitelinks, or we don't think that the sitelinks are relevant to the user's query, we won't show them. However, we are always working to improve how we find and display sitelinks.

good webmaster tools helpscreens
If you havent already, get a google webmaster account and see how google is indexing your site, and correct any faults for SEO

Google Webmaster tool is a great resource and everyone should get it.

If you wish you to see site links then You wil have have lots of quality content on the site and prove to be an authority website ...Only then google considers your site for site wide links in SERPS..

If you are referring to multiple listings in Top 10 google results..then simply forget it ..coz google atmost the post displays only 2 urls of same website ( but slowly making it to 1)

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