I have created a swf file in flash cs4 and exported it. I have viewed it locally and it works fine. Once I upload it to the server it just play. I have looked at everything and it just wont play. I am stuck and not sure what else to look for.

Please could someone have alook at this and let me now what is going wrong with this code?

This is html page!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
.hdr1 {
	font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 18px;
	font-weight: normal;
	width: 450px;
#flash-box {
	height: 600px;
	width: 730px;
	margin-top: 8px;
.close {
	font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-align: right;
	width: 450px;
	margin-top: 5px;

<script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<div id="flash-box">

  <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="730" height="600" id="FlashID" title="final">
    <param name="movie" value="final.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
    <param name="swfversion" value="" />
    <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
    <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
    <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
    <!--[if !IE]>-->
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="final.swf" width="730" height="600">
      <param name="quality" value="high" />
      <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
      <param name="swfversion" value="" />
      <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
      <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
        <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
        <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
      <!--[if !IE]>-->


<script type="text/javascript">

This is the javascript!

var swfobject = function() {
	var UNDEF = "undefined",
		OBJECT = "object",
		SHOCKWAVE_FLASH = "Shockwave Flash",
		SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",
		FLASH_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash",
		win = window,
		doc = document,
		nav = navigator,
		domLoadFnArr = [],
		regObjArr = [],
		timer = null,
		storedAltContent = null,
		storedAltContentId = null,
		isDomLoaded = false,
		isExpressInstallActive = false;
	/* Centralized function for browser feature detection
		- Proprietary feature detection (conditional compiling) is used to detect Internet Explorer's features
		- User agent string detection is only used when no alternative is possible
		- Is executed directly for optimal performance
	var ua = function() {
		var w3cdom = typeof doc.getElementById != UNDEF && typeof doc.getElementsByTagName != UNDEF && typeof doc.createElement != UNDEF && typeof doc.appendChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.replaceChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.removeChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.cloneNode != UNDEF,
			playerVersion = [0,0,0],
			d = null;
		if (typeof nav.plugins != UNDEF && typeof nav.plugins[SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] == OBJECT) {
			d = nav.plugins[SHOCKWAVE_FLASH].description;
			if (d) {
				d = d.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1");
				playerVersion[0] = parseInt(d.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10);
				playerVersion[1] = parseInt(d.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10);
				playerVersion[2] = /r/.test(d) ? parseInt(d.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0;
		else if (typeof win.ActiveXObject != UNDEF) {
			var a = null, fp6Crash = false;
			try {
				a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".7");
			catch(e) {
				try { 
					a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".6");
					playerVersion = [6,0,21];
					a.AllowScriptAccess = "always";  // Introduced in fp6.0.47
				catch(e) {
					if (playerVersion[0] == 6) {
						fp6Crash = true;
				if (!fp6Crash) {
					try {
						a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX);
					catch(e) {}
			if (!fp6Crash && a) { // a will return null when ActiveX is disabled
				try {
					d = a.GetVariable("$version");  // Will crash fp6.0.21/23/29
					if (d) {
						d = d.split(" ")[1].split(",");
						playerVersion = [parseInt(d[0], 10), parseInt(d[1], 10), parseInt(d[2], 10)];
				catch(e) {}
		var u = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
			p = nav.platform.toLowerCase(),
			webkit = /webkit/.test(u) ? parseFloat(u.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : false, // returns either the webkit version or false if not webkit
			ie = false,
			windows = p ? /win/.test(p) : /win/.test(u),
			mac = p ? /mac/.test(p) : /mac/.test(u);
			ie = true;
			@if (@_win32)
				windows = true;
			@elif (@_mac)
				mac = true;
		return { w3cdom:w3cdom, pv:playerVersion, webkit:webkit, ie:ie, win:windows, mac:mac };

	/* Cross-browser onDomLoad
		- Based on Dean Edwards' solution: http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/06/again/
		- Will fire an event as soon as the DOM of a page is loaded (supported by Gecko based browsers - like Firefox -, IE, Opera9+, Safari)
	var onDomLoad = function() {
		if (!ua.w3cdom) {
		if (ua.ie && ua.win) {
			try {  // Avoid a possible Operation Aborted error
				doc.write("<scr" + "ipt id=__ie_ondomload defer=true src=//:></scr" + "ipt>"); // String is split into pieces to avoid Norton AV to add code that can cause errors 
				var s = getElementById("__ie_ondomload");
				if (s) {
					s.onreadystatechange = function() {
						if (this.readyState == "complete") {
			catch(e) {}
		if (ua.webkit && typeof doc.readyState != UNDEF) {
			timer = setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/.test(doc.readyState)) { callDomLoadFunctions(); }}, 10);
		if (typeof doc.addEventListener != UNDEF) {
			doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callDomLoadFunctions, null);
	function callDomLoadFunctions() {
		if (isDomLoaded) {
		if (ua.ie && ua.win) { // Test if we can really add elements to the DOM; we don't want to fire it too early
			var s = createElement("span");
			try { // Avoid a possible Operation Aborted error
				var t = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(s);
			catch (e) {
		isDomLoaded = true;
		if (timer) {
			timer = null;
		var dl = domLoadFnArr.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < dl; i++) {
	function addDomLoadEvent(fn) {
		if (isDomLoaded) {
		else { 
			domLoadFnArr[domLoadFnArr.length] = fn; // Array.push() is only available in IE5.5+
	/* Cross-browser onload
		- Based on James Edwards' solution: http://brothercake.com/site/resources/scripts/onload/
		- Will fire an event as soon as a web page including all of its assets are loaded 
	function addLoadEvent(fn) {
		if (typeof win.addEventListener != UNDEF) {
			win.addEventListener("load", fn, false);
		else if (typeof doc.addEventListener != UNDEF) {
			doc.addEventListener("load", fn, false);
		else if (typeof win.attachEvent != UNDEF) {
			win.attachEvent("onload", fn);
		else if (typeof win.onload == "function") {
			var fnOld = win.onload;
			win.onload = function() {
		else {
			win.onload = fn;
	/* Main function
		- Will preferably execute onDomLoad, otherwise onload (as a fallback)
	function main() { // Static publishing only
		var rl = regObjArr.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < rl; i++) { // For each registered object element
			var id = regObjArr[i].id;
			if (ua.pv[0] > 0) {
				var obj = getElementById(id);
				if (obj) {
					regObjArr[i].width = obj.getAttribute("width") ? obj.getAttribute("width") : "0";
					regObjArr[i].height = obj.getAttribute("height") ? obj.getAttribute("height") : "0";
					if (hasPlayerVersion(regObjArr[i].swfVersion)) { // Flash plug-in version >= Flash content version: Houston, we have a match!
						if (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 312) { // Older webkit engines ignore the object element's nested param elements
						setVisibility(id, true);
					else if (regObjArr[i].expressInstall && !isExpressInstallActive && hasPlayerVersion("6.0.65") && (ua.win || ua.mac)) { // Show the Adobe Express Install dialog if set by the web page author and if supported (fp6.0.65+ on Win/Mac OS only)
					else { // Flash plug-in and Flash content version mismatch: display alternative content instead of Flash content
			else {  // If no fp is installed, we let the object element do its job (show alternative content)
				setVisibility(id, true);
	/* Fix nested param elements, which are ignored by older webkit engines
		- This includes Safari up to and including version 1.2.2 on Mac OS 10.3
		- Fall back to the proprietary embed element
	function fixParams(obj) {
		var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0];
		if (nestedObj) {
			var e = createElement("embed"), a = nestedObj.attributes;
			if (a) {
				var al = a.length;
				for (var i = 0; i < al; i++) {
					if (a[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "data") {
						e.setAttribute("src", a[i].nodeValue);
					else {
						e.setAttribute(a[i].nodeName, a[i].nodeValue);
			var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
			if (c) {
				var cl = c.length;
				for (var j = 0; j < cl; j++) {
					if (c[j].nodeType == 1 && c[j].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param") {
						e.setAttribute(c[j].getAttribute("name"), c[j].getAttribute("value"));
			obj.parentNode.replaceChild(e, obj);
	/* Fix hanging audio/video threads and force open sockets and NetConnections to disconnect
		- Occurs when unloading a web page in IE using fp8+ and innerHTML/outerHTML
		- Dynamic publishing only
	function fixObjectLeaks(id) {
		if (ua.ie && ua.win && hasPlayerVersion("8.0.0")) {
			win.attachEvent("onunload", function () {
				var obj = getElementById(id);
				if (obj) {
					for (var i in obj) {
						if (typeof obj[i] == "function") {
							obj[i] = function() {};
	/* Show the Adobe Express Install dialog
		- Reference: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=6a253b75
	function showExpressInstall(regObj) {
		isExpressInstallActive = true;
		var obj = getElementById(regObj.id);
		if (obj) {
			if (regObj.altContentId) {
				var ac = getElementById(regObj.altContentId);
				if (ac) {
					storedAltContent = ac;
					storedAltContentId = regObj.altContentId;
			else {
				storedAltContent = abstractAltContent(obj);
			if (!(/%$/.test(regObj.width)) && parseInt(regObj.width, 10) < 310) {
				regObj.width = "310";
			if (!(/%$/.test(regObj.height)) && parseInt(regObj.height, 10) < 137) {
				regObj.height = "137";
			doc.title = doc.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation";
			var pt = ua.ie && ua.win ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn",
				dt = doc.title,
				fv = "MMredirectURL=" + win.location + "&MMplayerType=" + pt + "&MMdoctitle=" + dt,
				replaceId = regObj.id;
			// For IE when a SWF is loading (AND: not available in cache) wait for the onload event to fire to remove the original object element
			// In IE you cannot properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking browser load references, also obj.onreadystatechange doesn't work
			if (ua.ie && ua.win && obj.readyState != 4) {
				var newObj = createElement("div");
				replaceId += "SWFObjectNew";
				newObj.setAttribute("id", replaceId);
				obj.parentNode.insertBefore(newObj, obj); // Insert placeholder div that will be replaced by the object element that loads expressinstall.swf
				obj.style.display = "none";
				win.attachEvent("onload", function() { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); });
			createSWF({ data:regObj.expressInstall, id:EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID, width:regObj.width, height:regObj.height }, { flashvars:fv }, replaceId);
	/* Functions to abstract and display alternative content
	function displayAltContent(obj) {
		if (ua.ie && ua.win && obj.readyState != 4) {
			// For IE when a SWF is loading (AND: not available in cache) wait for the onload event to fire to remove the original object element
			// In IE you cannot properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking browser load references, also obj.onreadystatechange doesn't work
			var el = createElement("div");
			obj.parentNode.insertBefore(el, obj); // Insert placeholder div that will be replaced by the alternative content
			el.parentNode.replaceChild(abstractAltContent(obj), el);
			obj.style.display = "none";
			win.attachEvent("onload", function() { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); });
		else {
			obj.parentNode.replaceChild(abstractAltContent(obj), obj);

	function abstractAltContent(obj) {
		var ac = createElement("div");
		if (ua.win && ua.ie) {
			ac.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML;
		else {
			var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0];
			if (nestedObj) {
				var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
				if (c) {
					var cl = c.length;
					for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
						if (!(c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param") && !(c[i].nodeType == 8)) {
		return ac;
	/* Cross-browser dynamic SWF creation
	function createSWF(attObj, parObj, id) {
		var r, el = getElementById(id);
		if (typeof attObj.id == UNDEF) { // if no 'id' is defined for the object element, it will inherit the 'id' from the alternative content
			attObj.id = id;
		if (ua.ie && ua.win) { // IE, the object element and W3C DOM methods do not combine: fall back to outerHTML
			var att = "";
			for (var i in attObj) {
				if (attObj[i] != Object.prototype[i]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries, like Object.prototype.toJSONString = function() {}
					if (i == "data") {
						parObj.movie = attObj[i];
					else if (i.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword
						att += ' class="' + attObj[i] + '"';
					else if (i != "classid") {
						att += ' ' + i + '="' + attObj[i] + '"';
			var par = "";
			for (var j in parObj) {
				if (parObj[j] != Object.prototype[j]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
					par += '<param name="' + j + '" value="' + parObj[j] + '" />';
			el.outerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + att + '>' + par + '</object>';
			fixObjectLeaks(attObj.id); // This bug affects dynamic publishing only
			r = getElementById(attObj.id);	
		else if (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 312) { // Older webkit engines ignore the object element's nested param elements: fall back to the proprietary embed element
			var e = createElement("embed");
			e.setAttribute("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
			for (var k in attObj) {
				if (attObj[k] != Object.prototype[k]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
					if (k == "data") {
						e.setAttribute("src", attObj[k]);
					else if (k.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword
						e.setAttribute("class", attObj[k]);
					else if (k != "classid") { // Filter out IE specific attribute
						e.setAttribute(k, attObj[k]);
			for (var l in parObj) {
				if (parObj[l] != Object.prototype[l]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
					if (l != "movie") { // Filter out IE specific param element
						e.setAttribute(l, parObj[l]);
			el.parentNode.replaceChild(e, el);
			r = e;
		else { // Well-behaving browsers
			var o = createElement(OBJECT);
			o.setAttribute("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
			for (var m in attObj) {
				if (attObj[m] != Object.prototype[m]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
					if (m.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword
						o.setAttribute("class", attObj[m]);
					else if (m != "classid") { // Filter out IE specific attribute
						o.setAttribute(m, attObj[m]);
			for (var n in parObj) {
				if (parObj[n] != Object.prototype[n] && n != "movie") { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries and IE specific param element
					createObjParam(o, n, parObj[n]);
			el.parentNode.replaceChild(o, el);
			r = o;
		return r;
	function createObjParam(el, pName, pValue) {
		var p = createElement("param");
		p.setAttribute("name", pName);	
		p.setAttribute("value", pValue);
	function getElementById(id) {
		return doc.getElementById(id);
	function createElement(el) {
		return doc.createElement(el);
	function hasPlayerVersion(rv) {
		var pv = ua.pv, v = rv.split(".");
		v[0] = parseInt(v[0], 10);
		v[1] = parseInt(v[1], 10);
		v[2] = parseInt(v[2], 10);
		return (pv[0] > v[0] || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] > v[1]) || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] == v[1] && pv[2] >= v[2])) ? true : false;
	/* Cross-browser dynamic CSS creation
		- Based on Bobby van der Sluis' solution: http://www.bobbyvandersluis.com/articles/dynamicCSS.php
	function createCSS(sel, decl) {
		if (ua.ie && ua.mac) {
		var h = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], s = createElement("style");
		s.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
		s.setAttribute("media", "screen");
		if (!(ua.ie && ua.win) && typeof doc.createTextNode != UNDEF) {
			s.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sel + " {" + decl + "}"));
		if (ua.ie && ua.win && typeof doc.styleSheets != UNDEF && doc.styleSheets.length > 0) {
			var ls = doc.styleSheets[doc.styleSheets.length - 1];
			if (typeof ls.addRule == OBJECT) {
				ls.addRule(sel, decl);
	function setVisibility(id, isVisible) {
		var v = isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden";
		if (isDomLoaded) {
			getElementById(id).style.visibility = v;
		else {
			createCSS("#" + id, "visibility:" + v);
	function getTargetVersion(obj) {
	    if (!obj)
	        return 0;
		var c = obj.childNodes;
		var cl = c.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
			if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
			    c = c[i].childNodes;
			    cl = c.length;
			    i = 0;
			if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c[i].getAttribute("name") == "swfversion") {
			   return c[i].getAttribute("value"); 
		return 0;
	function getExpressInstall(obj) {
	    if (!obj)
	        return "";
		var c = obj.childNodes;
		var cl = c.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
			if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
			    c = c[i].childNodes;
			    cl = c.length;
			    i = 0;
			if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c[i].getAttribute("name") == "expressinstall") { 
			    return c[i].getAttribute("value"); 
		return "";
	return {
		/* Public API
			- Reference: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/wiki/SWFObject_2_0_documentation
		registerObject: function(objectIdStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr) {
			if (!ua.w3cdom || !objectIdStr) {
			var obj = document.getElementById(objectIdStr);
			var xi = getExpressInstall(obj);
			var regObj = {};
			regObj.id = objectIdStr;
			regObj.swfVersion = swfVersionStr ? swfVersionStr : getTargetVersion(obj);
			regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr ? xiSwfUrlStr : ((xi != "") ? xi : false);
			regObjArr[regObjArr.length] = regObj;
			setVisibility(objectIdStr, false);
		getObjectById: function(objectIdStr) {
			var r = null;
			if (ua.w3cdom && isDomLoaded) {
				var o = getElementById(objectIdStr);
				if (o) {
					var n = o.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0];
					if (!n || (n && typeof o.SetVariable != UNDEF)) {
				    	r = o;
					else if (typeof n.SetVariable != UNDEF) {
						r = n;
			return r;
		embedSWF: function(swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj) {
			if (!ua.w3cdom || !swfUrlStr || !replaceElemIdStr || !widthStr || !heightStr || !swfVersionStr) {
			widthStr += ""; // Auto-convert to string to make it idiot proof
			heightStr += "";
			if (hasPlayerVersion(swfVersionStr)) {
				setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, false);
				var att = (typeof attObj == OBJECT) ? attObj : {};
				att.data = swfUrlStr;
				att.width = widthStr;
				att.height = heightStr;
				var par = (typeof parObj == OBJECT) ? parObj : {};
				if (typeof flashvarsObj == OBJECT) {
					for (var i in flashvarsObj) {
						if (flashvarsObj[i] != Object.prototype[i]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
							if (typeof par.flashvars != UNDEF) {
								par.flashvars += "&" + i + "=" + flashvarsObj[i];
							else {
								par.flashvars = i + "=" + flashvarsObj[i];
				addDomLoadEvent(function() {
					createSWF(att, par, replaceElemIdStr);
					if (att.id == replaceElemIdStr) {
						setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, true);
			else if (xiSwfUrlStr && !isExpressInstallActive && hasPlayerVersion("6.0.65") && (ua.win || ua.mac)) {
				setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, false);
				addDomLoadEvent(function() {
					var regObj = {};
					regObj.id = regObj.altContentId = replaceElemIdStr;
					regObj.width = widthStr;
					regObj.height = heightStr;
					regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr;
		getFlashPlayerVersion: function() {
			return { major:ua.pv[0], minor:ua.pv[1], release:ua.pv[2] };
		createSWF: function(attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr) {
			if (ua.w3cdom && isDomLoaded) {
				return createSWF(attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr);
			else {
				return undefined;
		createCSS: function(sel, decl) {
			if (ua.w3cdom) {
				createCSS(sel, decl);
		getQueryParamValue: function(param) {
			var q = doc.location.search || doc.location.hash;
			if (param == null) {
				return q;
		 	if(q) {
				var pairs = q.substring(1).split("&");
				for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
					if (pairs[i].substring(0, pairs[i].indexOf("=")) == param) {
						return pairs[i].substring((pairs[i].indexOf("=") + 1));
			return "";
		// For internal usage only
		expressInstallCallback: function() {
			if (isExpressInstallActive && storedAltContent) {
				var obj = getElementById(EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID);
				if (obj) {
					obj.parentNode.replaceChild(storedAltContent, obj);
					if (storedAltContentId) {
						setVisibility(storedAltContentId, true);
						if (ua.ie && ua.win) {
							storedAltContent.style.display = "block";
					storedAltContent = null;
					storedAltContentId = null;
					isExpressInstallActive = false;


If you need any info let me know and i will give it to you.


Member Avatar for iamthwee

This sounds like the dreaded crossdomain.xml policy file.

So have you created a crossdomain.xml policy file which sits on the root of your webserver?

Have you now set the publish settings to allow access to network

Bugger, iamthwee got in there while I was writing my long winded reply...

Right I'll remove my explanation of crossdomain.xml and the playback security settings and make this short...

The other things to bear in mind are:
Have you definitely uploaded all of the files to the correct places keeping the filepaths intact? This is usually one of the main culprits for flash not working.

Also if checking the crossdomain.xml thing and changing the local playback security settings (allow access to network) doesn't work and you have uploaded everything to the correct paths, another thing to try would be using absolute paths rather than relative paths to the swf on your html page. i.e. 'http://www.mysite.com/final.swf' instead of 'final.swf'

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