first off I am shocked that I can not find any information on this yet.

I am trying to make the swap from html 4.1 transitional to xhtml strict.
the client wants to place his google spreadsheet on the website
the only option offered to embed is <iframe> which of course is not supported.

any ideas?

Really? Not supported? I just checked one of my own pages, and it validated as XHTML with an IFrame. I Just had to adjust Google's code to use "&amp;" instead of just "&"

Really? Not supported? I just checked one of my own pages, and it validated as XHTML with an IFrame. I Just had to adjust Google's code to use "&amp;" instead of just "&"

Whoops! I'm wrong. You need to use the OBJECT tag like this:

<object data="" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;">

There is a separate w3c frameset doctype if you want frames in xhtml.

Frames are deprecated in the strict xhtml doctype.

IFrames are not the same as a frameset. An IFrame is still quite acceptable to use, where a frame is simply depreciated.

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