I tryed the

<script language="JavaScript">var password;var pass1="PASSWORD-HERE";password=prompt('Whats The Magic Word?',' ');if (password==pass1) alert('That Is Correct!');else {  window.location="SITE-LINK";}</script>

code, but the problem i found is, that anyone can see what text has been typed into the passord box, can anyone tell me how you get the text to appear as bullet marks like i have seen on other sites?

You need to provide proper type for input field like

<input type"password" />

plus any other parameters you need like length, maximum characters, name associated etc.

'view source' and everyone has your password even if you fix the input box as type="password" elsewhere on this site,
I know not where i was browsing
there was another discussion thread that hashed the password, and sent the hashed value as password, and compared the hash of the entered password to the hash value, its harder to cheat

@almostbob I'm aware of it, but obviously OP is just beginner...

so am I :)
guess the answer was not appropriate to the skillset :(
the other thread was pretty simple to follow, and gave code samples tho

so am I :)
guess the answer was not appropriate to the skillset :(
the other thread was pretty simple to follow, and gave code samples tho

We just have to wait and see what bibbleonline is up-to

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