hi all
i want to Keep the Row from Breaking Across a Page.i used thead,tbody.bt it didnt work properly.if the content of the last row is lengthy then the remaining content will jump over to the next page while printing.pls help.thanks in advance.

So what do you want the page to do when there's too much content on it?

So what do you want the page to do when there's too much content on it?

if the last row is having too much content on it then the remaining content jump over to the next page while printing.instead of this i 've to move the entire row to the next page.i used Theader,Tbody,TFooter and also style='page-break-inside:avoid'.bt no use.Thank you for ur reply

There is a CSS property intended to do what you want, but browser support appears to be very limited.
The property is "page-break-inside: avoid;" if you want it for future reference, but it's not really any use until Microsoft start supporting it - possibly in IE7.

There is a CSS property intended to do what you want, but browser support appears to be very limited.
The property is "page-break-inside: avoid;" if you want it for future reference, but it's not really any use until Microsoft start supporting it - possibly in IE7.

No,I already used tht.bt IE doesnt support tht.is thr any option in IE to get rid of tht problem.Plz help.

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