
Google has started Considering the Load Time as an Important Factor while Ranking a Website at Index time.

Common reasons for a site to get load slowly.

The Time For Loading A Web Site Depends Mostly On:

1. The number / size of external resources included in the site.(Images , Feeds)

2. If Images are not properly optimized and resized. (Large and Heavy Images)

3. The database queries executed while the site loads. (Many database queries at the same time)

4. Use More Flashy Effects and High Resolutions Images. (If Flash has been used with heavy images)

I Hope This Information Helpful For You All.

Web Design Tips|SEO Tips

For each rule, Page Speed gives specific suggestions for improvement, and gives the page a "score" according to a heuristic that weighs a number of factors. It also gives the page a total performance score.
Understanding per-rule scores

For each rule, there are two kinds of scores: a numeric score, which is a "grade" out of 100; and a color-coded score (green, yellow, or red). The numeric score is a "raw" score that indicates how the page performed on that rule, using some quantitative measure, such as, for example, the total number of DOM elements, or the number of downloaded files. The color-code score factors in the numeric score and the rule's weight, which is a composite of the potential impact of the rule (based on our experience), and its difficulty of implementation.

This means that there is not a one-to-one mapping between a numeric score and a color code. For example, a score of 0/100 could be translated into a yellow color code if the weight of the rule is not very high. Therefore, you should always refer to the color-code score as the authoritative one.

Here's how to interpret the color-code scores:

* High priority. These suggestions represent the largest potential performance wins for relatively little development effort. You should address these items first.
* Medium priority. These suggestions may represent smaller wins or much more work to implement. You should address these items next.
* Working fine or low priority. If suggestions are displayed, as indicated with a + sign, they probably represent minor wins. You should only be concerned with these items after you've handled the higher-priority ones.
* Informational messages only. Either these items don't apply to this page or there was a problem in running the test.

Tip: If your results show a large number of informational messages, this is likely because you tried to analyze the page before it was fully loaded. Click Refresh Analysis to rerun the analysis.

Understanding the total score

Page Speed also gives you a total numeric and color-code score. The numeric score is calculated as the total numeric score for the page, divided by the total weight of all rules (excluding rules for which you got a "blue"/informational-only result, which are non-scoring). The color-code score is calculated using a heuristic based on the number of green, yellow, and red results.

Don't forget the server your site is hosted on can also cause slowdowns. As well as having multiple resources linked from other servers or just plain old inefficient javascript on the page. I've seen multiple sites where the last thing I'm waiting for is for a script to finish running.

There are many things that affect download speed:

1. The speed of your server
2. How busy your server is
3. Where your server is located within the Internet (that ultra busy site "next door" using up all of the bandwidth gubbies of the trunk lines)
4. The size of the page
5. The number of files in the page
6. How long a server-side script on the page takes to run
7. If the page has ads on it, all of the above factors applied to the ad server and the ad itself
8. How long any ad takes to run
9. The speed of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the user
10. How busy the user's ISP is
11. Where the user's ISP is located within the Internet
12. The speed of the user's computer
13. The configuration of the user's computer (enough memory, antivirus settings, which browser, etc)
14. The number of windows and processes open on the user's computer (more windows and processes, slower speed)
15. If the display resolution is an odd size, the time to convert the page to fit the display
16. How long a client-side script takes to run on the user's computer

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