Okay, I have literally tried everything, I've googled and binged. Recently, I used a script off of dynamicdrive.com because they are great for scrolling scripts. I used the image scroller and it worked fine under my profile on the web page I am helping to design for my web design class, but then, when I get onto a different profile and go to look at the page, the pictures are non existant. Where did they go? Why aren't they showing up? Any help would be very appreciated because I'm stuck.

Thanks, Cassie

I do understand that you have a problem with images not showing up. But that is about it. Any code to show? How do you expect us to give any advice without seeing any code from you?
Did you upload all the images to the right places? Under you own profile it is possible that the images show up because they are still in the browser cache.

I used the code directly from dynamicdrive.com. My code is:
<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler2"><a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/activities/speech.html">
<img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\michael-speech.gif" /></a> <a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/athletics/track/trackhome.html" target="_blank"><img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\sierra-track.gif" /></a> <img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\ag-class-edit-4.gif" /> <a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/activities/national%20honors.html" target="_blank"><img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\candle-nhs.gif" /></a> <a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/athletics/golf/golfhome.html" target="_blank"> <img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\golfteam10.gif" border="0" /></a>

Yes, I uploaded them to the right place, I've uploaded everything there. I've also tried changing the U:\ to http:// but that didn't work either. I've also tried taking the pictures out of the folder and putting them in the same spot as the web page. I'm lost.

I used the code directly from dynamicdrive.com. My code is:
<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler2"><a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/activities/speech.html">
<img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\michael-speech.gif" /></a> <a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/athletics/track/trackhome.html" target="_blank"><img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\sierra-track.gif" /></a> <img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\ag-class-edit-4.gif" /> <a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/activities/national%20honors.html" target="_blank"><img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\candle-nhs.gif" /></a> <a href="http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/BHS%20WEB/athletics/golf/golfhome.html" target="_blank"> <img src="U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\golfteam10.gif" border="0" /></a>

Yes, I uploaded them to the right place, I've uploaded everything there. I've also tried changing the U:\ to http:// but that didn't work either. I've also tried taking the pictures out of the folder and putting them in the same spot as the web page. I'm lost.

Maybe you could place your code between the code tags in the future (that makes it more readable).

Is the site hosted on a windows server? Or is the above code coming from your development computer that runs on windows?

Anyway, there are a things you can change to try to make it work. Change all file names to lowercase and remove all spaces The first href will then look like this: "http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/bhs_web/activities/speech.html" and the first image like this: "http://bertrand.k12.ne.us/bhs_web/high_school/michael-speech.gif". Most browsers I know, don't like spaces in the url. And references to images are url's also.

You can always do this test to see if images will display in a browser by going to another computer with internet connection and type the complete url (with the file name included) in the address part of the browser. If the url is correct, the image will appear.

the image urls are all wrong, some of the spaces are encoded as %20 some are not, on an apache server h is not equal to H, so mixed case filenames are confusing
a url must include a protocol
if a local file, it begins with file: file://localhost/C:/image.jpg and nobody but your login will ever see it
note the difference in slashes between the above and your U:\Bertrand Web Page 2009\BHS WEB\high school\michael-speech.gif which will cause the server to have a small fit

if a 'remote' file the hypertext transfer protocol has no real relationship to the file structure, the html root can be anywhere in the disk file tree, different for each user, and the file may be http://localhost/image.jpg if the root for each user is set to their own folder
Somewhere (usually buried DEEP) in course notes will be a list including base hrefs, at least there should be
for some sites I maintain userfiles can be accessed directly as
http:// ..... ~[user].sitename.com/filename users.sitename.com/[user]/filename www.sitename.com/users/[user]/filename www.sitename.com/~[user]/filename
there is only one copy of the file and apache sorts out the reference,
the risk of confusion is large and quite a few have deleted the 'extra copy' of the file the uploaded, because it was there twice :)

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