Hey All;

Does anyone know of any good widgets or dashboards that could show the availability of various websites? I'm looking for something I can run on my system that will give me the status of a bunch of our websites and let me know if they are up or down. So far in Google the best I can find is a Mac one by WatchMouse, but I need it for Windows. Any ideas?

The best and only true way to monitor uptime and performance is to use a service that is not hosted on your own servers. Furthermore, you should check from multiple locations because there are always temporary internet connectivity issues happening in different parts of the world so data from one monitoring location could be misleading.

Some of the popular services...


I use Pingdom and it rocks.

Thanks. We use a 3rd Party monitor right now, but I was thinking about something in addition to that. I know WatchMouse for Mac has a dashboard, but I need something for the Windows environment. Just something to see and know the status of the systems.

The best and only true way to monitor uptime and performance is to use a service that is not hosted on your own servers. Furthermore, you should check from multiple locations because there are always temporary internet connectivity issues happening in different parts of the world so data from one monitoring location could be misleading.

Some of the popular services...


I use Pingdom and it rocks.

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