Firstly I'd better have some interactive platform on my site, like a forum, right?

But what content would attract people effectively?People told me to do what Im interested in but my field is languages research--this attracts very few people,

The site need to be designed to have a good-looking interface and layout but Im too much a newbie in those designing yet.Is there any way out with something I could create a website easily,such as...templates? Are templates a good way for me?

Besides SEO, are there other ways to make a site easiler to be found and get more and more people to visit each day?

Please just give any suggestions you consider useful.

Thank you in advance!

Content content content. Put stuff on your site that is informative and accessible. Your site does have a focus, right?

Content is king.

Thank you Rashakil, yes im adding contents to the site recently.

btw your a cartoon fan?

Nah, see Narue's avatar and you'll get the joke.

Quick ideas:

Don't rely on templates. They make a site look like other hundreds from the same layout. Try to modify the template (if you're using one), until no one can recognize it.

Content is indeed king, but not stock content. Not those articles free for reprint that are just the same in hundreds of sites. Your own articles. write about something you love and know. I am not such a specialist in web devleopment, but I have some experience and did solve some problems in the past. This is what I write about. I cannot brag too much about my writing skills since I am Romanian so my English is just decent. With all my small faults and typos people still are able to read the ideas and that's what I need in the end.

For someone not too good with design a nice CMS could do the trick. I have used Etomite for my main project (after dabbling with nuke and plain HTML files). There are also other sites.

As a general rule: since you also ask about the topic: write about things you love and know. Keeping up a site with content means you've gotta know what you are talking about and it requires a lot of work. Your domain is not as interesting as others? Still if you find people interested in your niche this could be better than having yet another site about topics everybody has already made a site (web design, music, movies). A niche project is harder to start (since people are not gonna flood in), but once you're an established resource, you'll see the benefits.

Firstly I'd better have some interactive platform on my site, like a forum, right?

But what content would attract people effectively?People told me to do what Im interested in but my field is languages research--this attracts very few people,

The site need to be designed to have a good-looking interface and layout but Im too much a newbie in those designing yet.Is there any way out with something I could create a website easily,such as...templates? Are templates a good way for me?

Besides SEO, are there other ways to make a site easiler to be found and get more and more people to visit each day?

Please just give any suggestions you consider useful.

Thank you in advance!

hy ok i m gonna tell u some tips regarding 2 make ur site more attractive and popular
i think the basic thing is that u should always make ur site professional so that if a newbie come he should feel that the person he is dealing too is a vry professioanl
if u want any help the do reply me and visit the website mentioned in my signature .i m sure u wil get help byu looking at our website

Be Gud If not Dont Be Bad..........VHEERS

Firstly I'd better have some interactive platform on my site, like a forum, right?

But what content would attract people effectively?People told me to do what Im interested in but my field is languages research--this attracts very few people,

The site need to be designed to have a good-looking interface and layout but Im too much a newbie in those designing yet.Is there any way out with something I could create a website easily,such as...templates? Are templates a good way for me?

Besides SEO, are there other ways to make a site easiler to be found and get more and more people to visit each day?

Please just give any suggestions you consider useful.

Thank you in advance!

hy ok i m gonna tell u some tips regarding 2 make ur site more attractive and popular
i think the basic thing is that u should always make ur site professional so that if a newbie come he should feel that the person he is dealing too is a vry professioanl
if u want any help the do reply me and visit the website mentioned in my signature .i m sure u wil get help byu looking at our website

Be Gud If not Dont Be Bad..........CHEERS

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