i what to make a web game but i don't know were to start :?:

Well what sort of game do you want to make first...

A basic one and than i will work my way up to harder one's
what will i need to start the game? :?:

What genre?

a web browser game like avpvm, skylords, and other one's like them
plz help me :cry:

I've never heard of either of those games.. WHAT TYPE OF GAME DO YOU WANT TO MAKE.


you can use Flash or Director. With this tools you can create simple games but you have to know how to use this tools first!!!

Flash and Director was my suggestion because of your following post

A basic one and than i will work my way up to harder one's
what will i need to start the game? :?:

What this mean???
You have no idea where to start my friend! And need help :mrgreen:
So type in your browser google and key words like browser game, tutorial browser game etc and you find something for your self

Games do not just happen. You have to code every action, and everything that happens. It is lots of hard work.

i what to make a web game but i don't know were to start :?:

This is like saying "I want to climb mount Everest but I don't know where to start."
You didn't tell us if you know anything about climbing, have any gear, have the time and money and plan to work up to such a thing.

I played Earth2025 more than 10 years ago, before I got into web dev. With my knowledge now I can tell you doing something like this is not an easy undertaking. To create a game, before you can even think of programming, you need to have a plan. You need to figure out every aspect of the game and how these aspects interact. From a technical standpoint you'd need:
- HTML & CSS to design the site
- A scripting language to provide form processing. Earth2025 back when I played was a browser-based game that used simple links and text fields to accomplish actions. PHP is an example of a scripting language you could use.
- A database management system store player records, info about their "kingdoms," etc. MySQL is one example of a DBMS. You'd have to learn the language for the DB, and understand concepts such as indexing (for finding other players) and table locking.
- You'd need to understand how to set up cron jobs. These games are time-based, in relation to server times as well as the last time a user took an action. Cron jobs allow your server to perform certain tasks at certain times.

This is just scratching the surface of the know-how necessary to build a game like Earth2025 or Utopia or whatever. I don't mean to be a downer, but I think building something like this by yourself with no knowledge of web dev would be an ambitious undertaking.

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