i got a buttons layer n dere are 5 buttons on dis layer..
inside every button i hav got a image file converted to graphic and settings as described below :
UP frame : graphical image alpha set to 0
Over Frame : graphical image alpha set to 100

dat means when d user hovers d mouse over my button it will ive a glowing effect... its working fine.... on every button on dat layer..

But what i want is dat when i embed dis swf file in an html page den every utton shud take me to a different page according to my coding...

in every buttons HIT frame i hav written dis :

var url:String = "sitename";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
try {
navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
} catch (e:Error) {
trace("Error occurred!");

but the problem is dat whenever i test my movie den it simultaneously opens up d google page in new tab in my default browser which is firefox...
i hant tested my movie by embedding it into my html webpage although...
but y is dis hapening widout even being clickd ...!!!?

may be i m posting this in a wrong thread but i really nead a direction to solve my prblm...
thanx in advance

If I'm right, you are using Flash. Check if there is any script in the first frame of the movie. I know this sounds quite basic but I've made mistakes like this before and broke my head over it before finding that out.

If I'm right, you are using Flash. Check if there is any script in the first frame of the movie. I know this sounds quite basic but I've made mistakes like this before and broke my head over it before finding that out.

got my problem solved.... actually i was calling dis function without giving buttons an instance name was just calling them by there symbol name... big fool i am....:)

thanks for your reply..

If I'm right, you are using Flash. Check if there is any script in the first frame of the movie. I know this sounds quite basic but I've made mistakes like this before and broke my head over it before finding that out.

that problem still persists.. but achieved my button effect by writing actionscript coding and calling a function on onclick()event separately.. anyways thanks for your reply..

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