can someone help me out i wanna make my site like this but i dont know th html or anything.

i wanna have so u can join the site and have a user name and pm and mail and the only think u see is peoples users names with there [img] files on it and u click next to view the next one and u can rate each one.

can someone please help me out with this so i can just upload it or teach me

thanks i attached a rough pic


Sorry but this need complex solution and you will not learn in 1-2 weeks. You better ask some company and have to pay for it or do another post that you are looking for somebody who can do this sort of work for free( for funn or school project) or other exchange (small amount of money, etc)

i can build you a rating bar
around $35

looks really cool though with different styles

The rating bar you will want to use some form of SSI and your web host will need to support it there will be some tutorials on something similar at either or As for the layout, Look at some photoshop layout tutorials on to get some basic ideas, and if you can learn a little html/css.
What you want to achieve isnt difficult, just keep working at it. Or if you really dont want to take the time to learn, You could go for a CMS (i reccomend mambo or CPGnuke (NOT phpnuke) with some modules.

Sorry but this need complex solution and you will not learn in 1-2 weeks. You better ask some company and have to pay for it or do another post that you are looking for somebody who can do this sort of work for free( for funn or school project) or other exchange (small amount of money, etc)

Very true but you could just use some forum scripts and get(pay) someone to change them to make them do what you want rather than asking them to do it all themselves.

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