Updating current website using a free template found online. Need to change the logo graphic...love the font, just need to change the wording. Have tried numerous times with my lack of photoshop knowledge. My attempt just made me laugh in all it's ugliness and non-resemblance to the original. (thats how pathetic I am).
Can anyone explain how this is done? (the original is logo.png and my attempt is logo1.png)
Most appreciative! (the logo.png is there, it's just transparent)

are you deleting the old logo and inserting the new one?
Stop being so hard on yourself!
Also, are you using the same font as the old logo to create the new logo?
Sometimes its easier to create a new image completely, in a new file, and then copy and just replace the old image with the new one.

i guess im not fully understanding the problem.
If this doesnt help, and i'm completely off target here, you could give me more information on what exactly you are looking to do and i can try again :)

i want to use the same font as the old logo to create the new logo.

i was just trying to do as you said (Sometimes its easier to create a new image completely, in a new file, and then copy and just replace the old image with the new one.) but as you can see, i couldn't find the right font and it's didn't come out as planned.

You may not have the font. Often times, people buy new fonts or find fonts from free sources. Take a look through websites such as http://www.dafont.com/ http://www.urbanfonts.com/free-fonts.htm and other free font resources. If you find the font, its fairly easy to download and install so that you can use it in photoshop.

thanks heaps. i found the 1 font i needed and created a new image with that. looks pretty nice now! thanks for your help! :)

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