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I'm relatively new to Web Programming.I'm interning in an IT Department and I need to change the current archives web page which is currently set up as follows:

Client#-Project# CD#1 CD#2 CD#3....

It has thousands of clients and projects and each CD# is a link to the folder on the server that contains the folders for that project. I need to create a page or manipulate the current page so that when someone clicks on a CD#, there's a list of CD#'s pertaining only to that project. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for stbuchok

How do you know which CD#'s pertain to other CD#'s, where is this information comming from?

Member Avatar for mrkm1188

Sorry, I meant when someone clicks on the Project# (not a CD#), it should show a list of the CD#'s that the project is in.

Member Avatar for mrkm1188

All of the file path's to the CD's will be in a text file.

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