I'm centering my container div this way.

position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
 margin:0 auto;  
     margin-left: -512px;

The div centers in the window, however when the user resizes the window to smaller than 1024 the window starts showing the center of the page. How can i make it to where the window will show the left side of my container when the window begins to shrink.

The proper way of centering you content on a page is as follows:

body {

#container {
    margin:0 auto;

To make the windows shrink when the browser width is below 1024 pixels, 2 CSS3 Methods become available to you: Media Quesries and max and min width. I recommend using Media Queries as they are easier to support in older browsers.

@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {/*Essentially stating that if the max screen size is 1024, override/add the CSS inside*/
    #container {
/*Or use the code below instead of the original container DIV*/
#container {
    width:1024px;/*Just in case the browser cannot support the below min and max widths, this will be used*/
    margin:0 auto;

pixels are not a layout tool.
pixel size depends on device resolutin
the typical 15" crt 800px wide 53px/inch
typical 'hi-res' crt 96px/inch
this laptop 160px/inch
ipad 264px/inch
12-14px text just got really samll (1mm)
current best practice is em or %, scalar quantities that autoadjust to window size, device resolution, user preference.

body { width:100%; text-align:center;} 
container {width:95%; text-align:left;} 

works in every device

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