Hy All

I have a website, and i just got a new script platform for it. I start to test the site when i notied the site is not fully working when i use internet explorer. Its seems like internet explorer didnt want to load pictures or other details and its really annoying as i cant launch my site before i get this sorted. I try to contact with the developer but he seems like "gone missing" Can anyof you give me an advice or helping hand how to fix the problem? The link what you can check is commingsoon.filemonster.org I try with firefox and its fine, but with intetnet explorer its just looks riddicilous.

Well from a first look at it, it seems like your developer built this website for mozilla users only (but I'm not sure, haven't checked it thoroughly. Your website makes use of some CSS3 properties like border-radius and gradiests, at least I think they're CSS3 properties :p, but they're probably not supported in IE8 and lower, is my first guess.

A quick fix would be removing all the CSS of the elements that are not displayed properly in IE and restyling the elements by giving them the proper dimensions and a background image, for example.

Hmm ok I'm not a CSS expert, but this is what I would do if I needed a quick fix, there might be better ways but I don't know of any that fast.

Is your developer back? It displays fine on my IE.

for me still showing without some elements, i dont know what to do know as im getting closer to the deadline. Any more suggestion?

OK, here are my chrome and IE7 (IE10 with developer tools) screen shots. What am I not seeing?

What you see paulkd is the right way but here is the screenshot when i open in the IE9

OK, I cannot reproduce this on IE10 with developer tools @ IE9.

However, the gradients that your image has problems with appear to be classes feat-head and steps in bootstrap.css

Using this CSS3 generator tool you could import the mozilla gradient line and use the generated code for your classes.

I would suggest a temporary css file to override the bootstrap file.

Can you explain exactly how to do and what to do?

Your bootstrap file currently has the class steps as:-

.steps {
  background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);
  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);
  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);
  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);
  background-image: -webkit-gradient(
    left bottom,
    left top,
    color-stop(0.03, rgb(69,139,0)),
    color-stop(0.99, rgb(102,205,0)),
    color-stop(1, rgb(117,171,234))
  border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
  border-radius: 4px;
  color: #ffffff;
  height: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  padding: 5px 10px;

so I would copy paste the -moz background image line....

background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);

....into the css generator by clicking the "import from css" button and paste it into the revealed text area, and click the "import" button.

The code will CSS code will be updated. If you hover over the CSS code a "copy" button appears which, when clicked, will copy the new CSS to the clipboard.

Paste the new code into a new CSS file and have this called after the bootstap.css file.

wrapping it in .steps {} of course.

or...... sometimes you can over-engineer things...

see if adding background:green; to the .steps class helps.

I add that one line (-moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(69,139,0) 3%, rgb(102,205,0) 99%, rgb(117,171,234) 100%);) and its shows me a code of at least 30 line isted. Im not really expert of css coding and paragraphs. anyway thanks for you time, but seems like to fix this problem i need someone expert

I think your website is not compatible with internet explorer that is why your site is not displaying correctly. You should use another web browser to open your site with successfully. Generally this kind of problems arrived at the time of web designing.

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