HI guys, I wonder if any could help with this. In my daily job I often find myself picking up code written by other developers and making additions to it. Now, this is often a problem because if I change a css rule I might end up breaking the layout of the site. Rather than looking throught the whole html code for a class name, if I want to change the look and feel or the position or any other style of an existing html element I usually add another class to that lement and target it in the css. I wonder, is there any tool out there that will instead allow me to check which HTML element uses a specific css rule, so that I will know exactly how many elements will break if I change that rule?

is there any tool out there that will instead allow me to check which HTML element uses a specific css rule

Whether you use an IDE or a more advanced text-editor, a grep search through all files is the most simple option available.

thanks pritaeas, yes I thought about that already, I was kind of hoping to find a different tool :-)!

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