I have googling a lot about this debate to move from table to div. What are your advices here to move or not. I have below my codes building layout using div. The issue I find with div for example below codes which I am referring to a template . MY issue is that on different resolution it looks different there is not like fix size. For eg. in some resolution its just nice and some it shrink. What is the best solution to ensure it stay in every resolution which I know if I would go back to table it will work but that is not advisable I guess.


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                                <td class="center">T1</td>
                                <td class="center">T111</td>
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                                    <span class="label label-success">Active</span>

                                <td class="center">T1</td>
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                                    <span class="label label-success">Active</span>



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VeEz commented: Really ! Helped me out Thanks ! +0

Which CSS template are you using to do this? I note you have a classes such 'div-fluid' and row-fluid'. Those would imply you are using a fluid layout which would adjust depending on the available screen size.
If you are using a template CSS there probably are classes which define set widths to elements (unless it is only a fluid template).

You have a bootstrap 3 template the should work after you insert this between the head tags

<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">

Hope this helps

Dear Dany and Hericles,
                       Yes the template which I am using after doing further study is using bootstrap based. Actually how does fluid works. It is a standard works by itself or we need define it in the css file? Sorry kind of new to these.

newbie14 actually the word


you and we are referring to here means that the webpage will adjust itself to the resolution. The technique used to make webpages adapt themselves according to the screen size or resolution is called Responsive Web Design. In this context there are classes namely container-fluid, div-fluid, row-fluid,etc. These classes are implementing the Responsive Web Design technique. It(Responsive Web Design) is not a standard thing built in to the HTML and CSS. It(Responsive Web Design) can only be implemented explicitily and by using CSS. Where as the Bootstrap is a web framework that is based on Responsive Web Design and is very popular among the Web Designers' community. This is the reason your web page was adjusting itself to the resolution. To overcome this problem with a simple, easy and little solution is to remove these class and ids as well that are implementing Responsiveness Design.

I hope it helped you alot...
If not, Just ask.....

Twitter bootstrap is mainly a file with css that applies certain rules to your html.

For those who like to make it more complicated a framework.

That works like this you have a container a fixed one or a fluid one.

The fixed one will scale according to some sets of rules on tablet phones desktops.

The fluid one should scale on any device and look the same on all of them, that's the theory.

So you just use the classes in your html and bootstrap dose the rest.

To understand responsive design you need to understand grids floats css media queries.

One more idea use something to disable jquery animation when you are
on mobile or better yet use css3 and that will give you another
problem no ie 6, 7, 8 support but there is always a way so you use html5shiv.

This is my last post on daniweb

If you need more help ask the others.

Hope this helps you

<div> is best compare with <table>.

the <table> may change the pixel resolution in different browser. But <div> is not change. so the div is the best choice.

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