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                <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aEmJ1o-tyKc/VM-HSrCWLHI/AAAAAAAAaqc/ABoeOqyY37A/s1600/Ferrari-LaFerrari-1.jpg">
                <h3>Ferrari Laferrari</h3>

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                <li><h4><i class="icon icon camera">Canon Powershot S95</h4></li>
                <li>22.5 MM</li>


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                <h3>Ferrari Laferrari</h3>

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                <li><h4>Canon Powershot S95</h4></li>
                <li>22.5 MM</li>






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    background-image: url(https://webdevbuddy.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/boy-cartoon.png);
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    background-color: blue ;
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i would like the info on the right of the image to drop below it when the screen is resized. also for it to push the next div down

Looki into CSS media queries.

It would be a lot easier if you gave us a url so we can see what is happening and play with it there, without having to create our own copy of your page.

commented: second that +4

try to use style="width:100% !important" on inside the imag tag.

it will resize the width of the image according to the media port

Kind Regards

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