I'm trying to create a small website for my family using Fireworks, i have searched high and low and couldn't find a single answer to my question....How do you link a fireworks page to another fireworks page, i know that i can link them with url's, but that's just it, they're not on the web yet, so they don't have url's

any answers, or advice on where to look will be GREATLY appreciated.

I'm trying to create a small website for my family using Fireworks, i have searched high and low and couldn't find a single answer to my question....How do you link a fireworks page to another fireworks page, i know that i can link them with url's, but that's just it, they're not on the web yet, so they don't have url's

any answers, or advice on where to look will be GREATLY appreciated.

wouldn't relative links work for that?

i've tried, but it won't let me link .png pages, it will only take .htm

That's because png is a graphic file...not a page.

You have to put your png graphics on a web page and then link the pages.

You should be able to link directly to a graphic. You would define your link as http://www.yourURL.com/graphicname.png

But at this point it is only a graphic, not a "web page". You likely won't be able to link from this graphic to another page (I haven't used Fireworks a great deal, so don't know how it manipulates files).

It would be best to build your page with HTML and then include your graphics. Or, if you just don't want to take the time to learn how to do that you could always build in Word and save it as HTML, although who knows what you will end up with.

Hope this helps.

well ive made a huge step forward, im not sure why i didn't realize this before, but i have to export as an .htm document, the new problem is, when i open the htm file the links dont work

well ive made a huge step forward, im not sure why i didn't realize this before, but i have to export as an .htm document, the new problem is, when i open the htm file the links dont work

Can you upload an htm file so I can look at it?

Ok i finally figured out what my problem was. When i was putting in the links to the pages, i was stupid enough to use the link it gives you when you hit "preview in browser" this is not the same link as the exported html, so it would only work one-way.

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