Hi again,

I am having issues with Dreamweaver 8 not saving my user name and password for sites that are connected through ftp.

Anyone have this issue?

Is there a way to correct this through settings? Please advise

thanks for the support

never had problem like this.
Did you check SAVE checkbox just next to password in advance/ remote settings ?

Click on sites/manage sites/edit and click through until you get to the ftp page for the site you want.

Click the SAVE checkbox next to "What is your FTP password?"

I've never had a problem with it not connecting to my site. If it is not connecting, recheck your ftp hostname, username, and password. You should also check to see if you are connecting to the correct folder on the ftp server.

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Hi again,

I am having issues with Dreamweaver 8 not saving my user name and password for sites that are connected through ftp.

Anyone have this issue?

Is there a way to correct this through settings? Please advise

thanks for the support

I ihave the same problem, I do use the save password checkbox, then I am able to connect. But after a dreamweaver restart the username and password are gone. Found a solution?

run the update:

Hi again,

I am having issues with Dreamweaver 8 not saving my user name and password for sites that are connected through ftp.

Anyone have this issue?

Is there a way to correct this through settings? Please advise

thanks for the support

Are you using or did you just install IE 7.0? If so... that may be the issue. I just installed it and started getting the same problem - not saving the FTP or testing server user name and passwords. Because Macromedia uses HTM based files to run its program.. I think IE 7.0 has cleared out some scripting capabilities via its "anti invasion software" or whatever they call it now. If you figure it out... great... but think it is going to have to be an unistall of IE 7.0 or a fix for Adobe now.

I agree. This sounds like a security setting.

And I would keep it as it is. Software which logs you in when your toddler plays with the mouse I don't want. I want to be prompted for username and password each time I log in to a server.

I'm having this problem also. It is only happening on some of my sites and not others. Annoyingly, the site I use the most is one of the ones that won't hold the data. My system is secure from toddlers, so I would very much like to NOT re-input the User/Password each time I start Dreamweaver. I didn't find any help on the adobe web site. My problem would seem to coincide with my install of IE7, so I'll see if I can find a security setting that affects the behavior. IE7 setting was already responsible for my not being able to debug in Visual Studio 2003.

I installed the DreamWeaver 8.0.2 Updater and it fixed this problem for me. I did have to put in my product CD and navigate to the FSCOMMAND directory - don't know if this is typical.

Anyway, apparently problem solved. See Post #8 for the link to the Adobe site.

Yes, I can confirm that after installing the update the problem was fixed.

It will require your original installation CDs when running the update (this is normal and is mentioned on Adobe's site).

If the Adobe Updater DOES NOT fix this issue, use the fix at the following link:

*NOTE: Whether you have IE7 or not, use the section that references NOT having IE7 installed. I just performed this fix and it works perfectly. You'll have to edit the registry, but the instructions are pretty clear and step-by-step.

Yes Dreamweaver 8 has quite a few problems one being the 'not saving your username and password'. However the CS3 version is fine. I would definatly recomend getting it ;)

By downloading the patch for this problem doesnt actual help any of the others you havent noticed yet.

Hope this helps

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