Hey everyone, new to this place but i was hoping someone cuold tell me if theres somewhere where i can just copy and paste a code into my website for a comment box or something along those lines?? cause i'm not a web developer or software designer so i'm pretty limited with things i can do on the website hahaha
or do i have to do all the HTML writing myself??
Thanks heaps.


You'll have to go php most probably.

Here's a cool site to check out hotscripts could just find one for you... but this way you can accomplish something and choose a script that will blend in nice with your site.

To add it into your page.. use a inline frame.
NB save the page as php or the content in the frame wont display.

commented: hhh +0

Thanks heaps mate...much appreciated!


You'll have to go php most probably.

Here's a cool site to check out hotscripts could just find one for you... but this way you can accomplish something and choose a script that will blend in nice with your site.

To add it into your page.. use a inline frame.
NB save the page as php or the content in the frame wont display.

I`m also looking for a script in java or html that would let my visitors post comments or testimonials. I don`t know about PHP.

You have to use some programming language, usually PHP.
HTML is just for mark-up (hence the name) - it isn't a programming lanaguage.

To store the comments, you'll need a database - MySQL is the commonest one you'll find from web hosts.

Then you'll use SQL, another lanaguage, to retrieve the comments, and PHP manipulate the data returned and to display the results using PHP.

Hi, HTML it isn't a programming language
I saw to you have to use programming language.

Hey, I'm not a plumber or anything but can anyone tell me how to remove a tird that's blockiing my s-bend without getting my hands dirty?

commented: No need to get rude about this query. There are loads of people just looking for help so if you cant assist then don't comment. +0

Hey, I'm not a plumber or anything but can anyone tell me how to remove a tird that's blockiing my s-bend without getting my hands dirty?

right post wrong place!! dude!
this has something to do with WEB :D

right post wrong place!! dude!
this has something to do with WEB :D

Completely relavent to the first comment.

Nice one newbie.
figure it out.

no idea what you mean :)

sorry... now I know what you mean by the plumber comment!
but couldn't have disagreed more!!
you SHOULD visit this link and then tell for yourself if it is really possible to do the "COPY & PASTE" thingie for comments :)


all you have to do is copy and paste!!

so I take my change my other comment to:

right place WRONG comment :P

praps that would work but it would be more suited for a forum for folks who don't wanna learn or know web dev and would prefer it done for them. For free.

If you are not confident with writing PHP yourself, just install WordPress and use that to manage your site. You don't need to learn much in the way of programming - the free plugins do 99% of the hard work for you!


commented: This is the most usefull comment on this whole thread! +2


I am agree with the above points. You have to learn PHP. It is an advanced technology which helps you a lot. For more information you can consult with any expert near you.


Hey i have some problem fixing how to add some comment box on my website..
that website is for my school project.. anyone there please help me!!!!!

give me the code

Hi all,
If you faced any problem with coding than it is quite simple that you can take help through internet and contact those company which provide web design facilities.
i'll give you a some idea about coding of comment box.

<!-- HTML codes  -->
<form action="/html/tags/html_form_tag_action.cfm" method="post">
  Comments:<br />
  <textarea name="comments" id="comments">
  Hey... say something!
  </textarea><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<p style="font-size:10px;"><a href="http://www.quackit.com/create-a-website/">Create website</a></p>

LOL - "Give me the code" hahahahahha hahaha

I love to discuss about web design and I want to learn best web design course. I need Some help from all of you. Please give me some guide line about business-development-and-training. SNIP

Have a Good day

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