Hi All,

I have downloaded some flash content from a website using FlashCatcher software..I want to put this flash content in my website...When open that (*.swf) file in IE it is not running..Neither in flash player nor IE...

Please advice me...

Thanks in Advance..

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

First of all you could use other guy's stuff without hos/her permission.

The problem you have could have several reasons:
1. The player intalled in your system is outdated, but since you saw the movie, its wont be.
2. The swf movie dynamically uses some other SWF files using loadMovie method, so it wont be available in your computer.

First of all you could use other guy's stuff without hos/her permission.

The problem you have could have several reasons:
1. The player intalled in your system is outdated, but since you saw the movie, its wont be.
2. The swf movie dynamically uses some other SWF files using loadMovie method, so it wont be available in your computer.

Hi Vishesh...

So what should i do if i want to use a flash content from a website to my website..

Please suggest me in this regard...

Thanks in Advance..

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