Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am wondering if anyone can recommend a very good PDA/Pocket PC handheld device. I would like to access e-mail/web and play music etc. Thanks

Hey there

A great PDA that is easy to use is the Dell Axim X30, it runs on Windows 2003 mobile which means that it is works well with a Windows desktop. You can use drag and drop for placing files on the unit, it has Windows media player as well that means that it can play the likes of mp3's it also has internet explorer. I have been very impressed with mine

Hey there

A great PDA that is easy to use is the Dell Axim X30, it runs on Windows 2003 mobile which means that it is works well with a Windows desktop. You can use drag and drop for placing files on the unit, it has Windows media player as well that means that it can play the likes of mp3's it also has internet explorer. I have been very impressed with mine

I'll second that. I own an Axim X3, and it works awesomely! The X30 is like the X3, but faster, and it has wireless connectivity built in.

I don't normally say this, but...


I'll third that one - I love my x30 624mghz and it's really affordable too - especially now when the x50's are out.


hmmm, i find windows pocket pc's are more complicated then palm os for no apperent reason. i would recommend you getting a tungsten e, and forgetting windows because its enough of a hassale at home, why on the road too!

hmmm, i find windows pocket pc's are more complicated then palm os for no apperent reason. i would recommend you getting a tungsten e, and forgetting windows because its enough of a hassale at home, why on the road too!

umm because Windows PDA does everything.

I have a T-Mobile PC Phone got it the day it came out in AUG 2003, Plays Video AVI, DIVX,MPEG), Audio (MP3 or WMA), Instant Messaging (AOL/MSN/YAHOO) as well as being a Phone.

The reason people choose Win PDA's is because of the support base behind them. There are tons of FREE software from IR Universal Remote Control to being able to rcv/snd/open/edit Word/Excel files. If you need an address book, get a PALM, if you need a mobile PC get Windows PDA. Almost anybrand or flavor does the job.

Compare PPC/Palm
Screen size
Number of colors
Software available
Hardware add-ins
SD/MMC memory (maximums)

I am well into my 2d year with same device, and only think I missed was it having an SD/IO memory slot to use a camera. But with the number of developers on Windows side, someone came up with a video camera that didn't have to use SDIO. So everything is there that I needed.

I always consider TOMORROW when I purchase anything electronics. So far it has replaced my NOKIA cell phone, YEPP mp3 player, and having to carry around a laptop to collect data from other sources. SD cards are 512mb and higher now, so I can take everything along. Transfer (hi res) images from Digital Cam to PDA Phone and send. Not like the lo-res images that Picture Phones take.

There is an application that will allow 2-way videophone (over IP) coming soon. [Windows PDA]

Only you know what your needs are, but remember you cannot even guess what you will want your PDA to do NEXT YEAR.

Good Luck

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