hy guys please help me .. i have 16gb micro sdcard in my indriod cell phone. when i am formatting the card it shows an error "sd card read only cannot format " . what should i do to uncheck readonly property.

Check the side of the card for a physical switch. It will slide up and down. Most often this is in the wrong position if you cannot modify the disk.

Regular SD cards have a slider that can write-protect the device, but I don't think micro-sd cards have one of those (mine don't). In any case, SD cards over 8GB need to be supported by SD-HC (or newer) controllers. It may be that your phone doesn't support SD-HC (high capacity) devices. SD-HC can deal with devices with over 8GB (up to 32GB) of capacity. You would need SD-XC for more than that.

Chek the SD card for a physical switch it may be on the wrong position.

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the above solutions might work...check it.. if they dont...folow the following..

  1. Connect ur phn to the PC via Data Cable and enable Mass Storage, the memory card should appear in My Computer
  2. Right-click on the SD card icon and select Properties.
  3. there should appear some checkboxes that change the SD card property...like hidden, read only etc.
  4. Uncheck the Read-only checkbox..
  5. Click Apply and then OK..

After completeing the above steps, try formating ur card... it should work..

try using a network adapter for your micro sd card, or check with a reader.

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