So a friend used to do alot of travelling as a semi-conductor call centre manager. He used to fly most weeks and spend probably most of his time away from his office desk. So obviously because of this he spent alot of time in airports. So basically he made the comment:

"I would much rather have a simple black and white display laptop that was light and the battery lasted for ages rather than a almost desktop style laptop with a high res screen and all the latest gizmos."

I wondered what you guys think to this, remember the circumstances he is talking about though because it is easy to jump to a quick decision.

As grandpa used to say, Things are not like they used to be, and they never were.
Trouble is, what he describes doesn't exist. There were many excellent, but very heavy mobile computers, but the battery life was too short.
As life marched on, they became lighter, faster, and had longer battery life.
There are ways to adjust the high rez color units to black and white high contrast.

I understand where you are coming from but if there were more of a call for them hardware manufacturers might start making them. But people have never really thought about. I am not saying it solves lots of problems but it might be a really good step in the right direction. you never know.

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