Copies of files on the 8GB flash drive are not the same. zip files canot be opened picture files do not show the picture, but the byte size look OK. I never had this problem with 2 or 4 GB flash drives. Any clue what is wrong?

Hi, I just experienced the same problem with a new 8gb stick I bought. Did you ever get your problem resolved or an answer?

Could you post the name of your usb stick. It sounds like the files are corrupted. Recovering corrupted files is not very easy at all!

If you buy cheap flash drives, well... they are cheap. I also have a 8gb flash, but it corrupts large files (e.g. video).

You got it formatted correctly?

If its over 2gb it should be formatted NTFS - *NOT* FAT or FAT32

yeah... well with mine I can't format it as NTFS, don't know why, don't really care. I bought a cheap product, and got what I paid for, perhaps that will solve the issue for the other guys though.

yeah FAT doesnt support large drives

What OS you using?

Usually xp, sometime vista. Don't worry about me though, I have hi-jacked this thread unintentionally...

It could be the OP's problem too.

You aught to be able to format as NTFS in any NT based system which supports USB. Try disk management?

It could be the OP's problem too.

You aught to be able to format as NTFS in any NT based system which supports USB. Try disk management?

I have an 8GB Imation Swivel drive and it is formatted as FAT32. I'm using XP Pro SP3 and there is not an option in either Disk Management or Format, to format it in NTFS.

It is my understanding that FAT32 formats up to 32GB and can handle files up to 4GB in size (

I also have a 8gb flash, but it corrupts large files (e.g. video).

An extracted DVD can be in excess of 4gb before you shrink it.

And most flash drives are out of the box formatted as FAT not FAT32 (something about compatibility with really old macs?) which only supports 2gb max.

And also actually FAT32 theoretically supprots far far far more than 32gb. The format program included in Windows 2000 and above is just limited to creating FAT32 file systems of 32Gb or less because a large FAT32 file system becomes slow and inefficient very easialy and MS wanted to discourage its use.

With vista Sp2 we will probably see further use of eXFAT

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