I have recently re-formatted my computer and then i started to have a problem.

My screen had elements of it(ie pics) began to freeze and also have lines in them. As time went on it started to have problems showing other things like task bars and file menus.

Now, it just looks like its a tv channel where the ariel needs to be moved.

I have tried to start in safe mode and to reformat the computer but its the same in MSDOS mode.

I am stuck. Can you help?? or have any suggestions i could try?

It may be just a coincidence, timing that is. I would try another monitor. If the other one acts the same, then I would look at the drivers for the video card and for the monitor.

This looks to me like your monitor is broken. Is it an old style CRT monitor (looks like an old TV) or a more modern LCD one? When did you buy it?

This looks to me like your monitor is broken. Is it an old style CRT monitor (looks like an old TV) or a more modern LCD one? When did you buy it?

Hey there, thanks for your post, but im actually using the screen now and its perfect.

Its a samsung 19" TFT and i dont think its that.

The thing is it only started to happen after i installed Windows SP@. I took my graphics card to PC world and they said the fan was stiff......so i just bought one from ebay.

could it be anything else?

So the gfx card was overheating hence your weird lines on the screen. Check for dust in and around your PC just to make sure anything else wasn't overheating. If there is any dust hoover it out or give it a good dusting.

So the gfx card was overheating hence your weird lines on the screen. Check for dust in and around your PC just to make sure anything else wasn't overheating. If there is any dust hoover it out or give it a good dusting.

should i try the old graphics card before i put the new one in??

also do i need to do anything before i put it in?? Im not to good with hardware.
i mean like pput it in a special way or anything

If you remove the old graphics cards drivers first (use "Add or Remove Programmes" in the Control Panel) Then power off you PC. Ground yourself in some way (Anti-static wristbands are the safest and easiest option), Pull out the main power cable going from the wall socket to your PC, and place your PC on something that doesn't hold an electric charge, such as a wooden desk. Now locate your old graphics card (would have the monitor plugged into it) and un-screw it from the case, then gently pull it out of the slot on the motherboard. Now get your new Graphics card and place it into the slot that the old one came out of. Then secure it into the case using the screw that held the old one in. From here, close your case put it back where it normally sits, reconnect the power cable and power on your machine. Your screen will be at a very low resolution, don't worry this is normal. Proceed to login as usual. If the new graphics card came with a CD/DVD with drivers on it, insert it now and run the programmes. If your new Graphics card did not come with a CD/DVD with drivers, go onto the internet and onto the graphics card producers (ATi, Nvidea, Sapphire etc.) website and download the drivers for your specific graphics card onto your PC. Then run the programme that you have just downloaded, and follow the instructions that it says. Your computer may reboot after the drivers have been installed.
If you don't know where to find the drivers of your new graphics card, post the make and model of the graphics card here, and I will show you where you can find them.

hey there, im sorted now.....

i put the new driver in yesterday and its sorted.

thanks for ur help

No problem :)
Any new problems, don't hesitate to post back in a new thread!

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