Hi everyone!
I got a HP Pavilion 700. Pretty sure the motherboard got fried. Doesn't turn on. Was wondering what I can Replace it with? Was going to use same HD, OS, CPU, case, power supply, ETC. What info do I need to know which will work? Thanks everyone!

The problem with prfeb computers is that you can't really upgrade major parts. my suggestion is that you should just write down the numbers on the board and google them to try and find replacement parts.

Thanks! I'll start there. Just want motherboard close or same as original so I don't have to mess with OS and other stuff.

If that doesn't work you can always contact the manufacturer and find out where to buy replavement parts.

dosn't turn on try a power supply first !

dosn't turn on try a power supply first !

Agreed. Also test the power cord. It could be something simple as the fuse has blown in the plug.

no no no no no DONT DO IT

HP cases are custom. An HP motherboard will not fit in a standard case, and a hp case will not fit a standard motherboard. ALso, on SOME models the power supplies are custom so they will destroy a standard motherboard.

The only bits that are salvageable are the CPU, ram and disks.

Thats why i was telling him to find factory replacement parts. you can find replacements on the internet for an HP

ALso, on SOME models the power supplies are custom so they will destroy a standard motherboard.

not saying it isn't true in some cases ,but i have never seen this before ,i have used a regular power supply to replace one in a dell once , i did buy a regular p4 motherboard and power supply and installed it in a compaq computer that had a bad motherboard /power supply and it is still in use by my niece next door ,using it since about a year now .

nowadays dells mainly use atx powe supplies but in 2001 i fried my pc using a dell non-atx psu in a normal pc (they look the ame)

Hi everyone!
I got a HP Pavilion 700. Pretty sure the motherboard got fried. Doesn't turn on. Was wondering what I can Replace it with? Was going to use same HD, OS, CPU, case, power supply, ETC. What info do I need to know which will work? Thanks everyone!

i would buy a new case which comes with a psu already, (cheap under $60 for 400watt) then place mobo, hdd, mem...if it still doesnt start, THEN replace mobo and see how you go :)

Probably too late to help now, but worth saying.

The motherboard in a Pavilion 700 is a standard uATX motherboard. Any uATX board that will accept installed CPU will work. Only tricky part is front panel connectors and front cable length. Get a motherboard that has essentially the same physical layout.

nowadays dells mainly use atx powe supplies but in 2001 i fried my pc using a dell non-atx psu in a normal pc (they look the ame)

Yea i have seen that happen alot, thats why i always just suggest using factory parts. it is hard to upgrade a factory system. not saying it can't be done. but if you don't know what your doing you can really mess things up.

so yet again, my suggestion is contact HP and figure out where to buy a MoBo. or you can even go on ebay and find a comp that has a bad CPU or something and just use the mobo out of it. then you have spare parts if something else goes wrong.

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