Hi, i have a acer aspire laptop that seems to have a slight problem with it's screen. It constantly flickers then goes completely white. But if i add pressure to the screen the white goes and the screen works. Help would be VERY appreciated, thanks.

Good Evening,

Firstly welcome to Daniweb!
Have you dropped the item at all?
As these use a very fine tape-like wire to join the LCD to the base, if this has become or worked itself loose it will give the symptoms you're describing.

If the item is still under a warranty I would recommend getting it booked in, otherwise I would get the cable checked.

Hope this helps,

Dazza :cool:

The warrenty is up, and it has been dropped a few times.

I was hoping it could be a loose cable and not a hardware failure. So I'll get it checked, thanks.

No worries, just thinking because I fixed one recently with a similar problem.
My own Acer had a problem not so long ago where the screen was going a funny colour - this was down to a loose connection on the RAM.

But the fact you say it seems to work fine when you touch the screen makes me think it's a loose connection the display as the RAM is in the base of the unit.

If you don't feel happy about ripping the insides out yourself and potentially making it sacrofical then a small computer store or PC World should be able to help you.

Hope this helps,

Dazza :cool:

I've fiddled with the RAM and it seems to be working. Thanks.

Nice one mate, glad it worked!

Dazza :cool:

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