The bottom of my laptop gets way too warm when on. It's too hot to set in my lap for any real length of time. Any ideas?? Thanks!

It is possible that the CPU heatsink and fan is clogged up with dust and therefore not cooling it properly. A can of compressed air can easily clean your heatsink and fan. Direct the air jet into the vents (blowing opposite the normal air flow will remove a lot of dust). Use short bursts and keep the can upright. Do this only when the machine is off. Repeat this until no more dust is blown out, then turn the machine back on. This should restore most of the functionality of the cooling system! Hope this helps.

laptops are supplosed to get (fairly warm), but blowing out the dust will help a lot. contrary to thier name, you are not actually meant to put them onto your lap (lower your spem count)

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