I have an NEC MultiSync 700+ monitor that I've had for about 2 years. It just started making a clicking sound, shutting off and then immediately turning right back on. It does this about every 5 minutes or less. I just recently reinstalled my Windows XP. It use to do this before the reinstall but now it's crazy bad. The resolution is at 1024x768 and refresh rate at 60. Strangely enough, it doesn't do it when I'm playing Dark Age of Camelot (a MMORPG).

How do I get it to stop doing this? Don't tell me to unplug it or hit it with a sledgehammer. I'm already close to doing both of those.

Do you have another monitor? Try unplugging the current one and plug in the other one. See if the problem still occurs.

I had this problem with a couple monitors (CRT). My problem turned out to be a loose power plug in the rear of the monitors. I replaced the power cords, but no change. Apparently, the male plug in the rear of the monitors had become a bit out of line. I took a pair of needle-nosed pliers and moved the m slightly to get a better connection. All fine now, but can drive ya nuts.

Do you have another monitor? Try unplugging the current one and plug in the other one. See if the problem still occurs.

Hi, yep tried to change monitor and also have checked all leads and plugs to and from it.
It clicks away quite merrily for at least 10 - 15 secs then the screen reappears freezes and the last screen sometimes still shows through.
Have been thinking new video graphics card maybe...
Prolly some nasty virus which Im gonna need to clean machine and reload everything :(
Thanks for your help :)

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