My I-mac G-5 gives the start up sound, then I get the blue screen with the apple in the center. After about a minute the computer begins to make a loud noise-as if the fan is running in overdrive, it will not complete the start up process. I have to shut it down because the noise is so loud it sounds like it is doing some damage. I have had problems with the fan running loud intermitantly since installing Leopard. I followed all the instructions to fix that problem, but nothing worked.

I am new to Daniweb, I was excited to get a note alerting me that someone had replied ot my query. But, I couldn't find the response from John A.

Have you tried to run some diagnostic tools on your hard drive? Insert your Leopard installation disk, reboot the computer holding down the 'C' key, which will make the computer boot from the Leopard DVD. Once booted, you can open Disk Utility and check the disk permissions and volume status. If there's something amiss, try repairing and re-checking it.

The fan noises are nothing to worry about. Yes, iMacs do sound like they're ready for takeoff when their fans run full speed, but this is really just an auto safety mechanism that kicks in when the operating system crashes. In other words, if the operating system isn't sure how hot your computer is, it's going to run the fans at full speed just in case.

As for the notification from me earlier -- this was probably an autogenerated message that gets sent whenever moderator action is performed on your post (in this case, moving it to a better subforum).

Have you tried to run some diagnostic tools on your hard drive? Insert your Leopard installation disk, reboot the computer holding down the 'C' key, which will make the computer boot from the Leopard DVD. Once booted, you can open Disk Utility and check the disk permissions and volume status. If there's something amiss, try repairing and re-checking it.

The fan noises are nothing to worry about. Yes, iMacs do sound like they're ready for takeoff when their fans run full speed, but this is really just an auto safety mechanism that kicks in when the operating system crashes. In other words, if the operating system isn't sure how hot your computer is, it's going to run the fans at full speed just in case.

As for the notification from me earlier -- this was probably an autogenerated message that gets sent whenever moderator action is performed on your post (in this case, moving it to a better subforum).

Thank you for responding, I will try what you suggest.

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