My computer will not start at all.
I push the star baton and nothing happend's

Is it plugged in? If so is the power switched on at the wall and on the back of the computer?

yeah, i got the same problem too.. i nid turn on n off the main switch for few times it only will boost up..

You probably should have started a new thread, this one is kinda old. Also I can't read half of what you said. It sounds like it turns on but windows doesn't load, Is that correct?

errr.... i just switch on n off the plug for few times and it loads....

So it works perfectly fine sometimes and not at all other times?

yeah...can say tat XD

It sounds like a loose/faulty connection to me. Have you checked that all the plugs both internally and externally are plugged in correctly? Have you tried using a different plug cable?

Nope,I didn't try diff plug cable...

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