Anyone out there know how to remove/reset a password from a Hard Drive?

I have a 60 Gig Fujitsu Laptop Drive that has an unknown password on it.



A hard drive doesn't have a password to use it to my knowledge, it is probaly a CMOS password that keeps you form starting up, but to cure that you can either a.) remove the cmos battery for a couple of minutes to reset the CMOS out or b.) there is a jumper that resets the CMOS on the MB, but I am not exactly sure where it would be located at on your laptop.

A hard drive doesn't have a password to use it to my knowledge, it is probaly a CMOS password that keeps you form starting up, but to cure that you can either a.) remove the cmos battery for a couple of minutes to reset the CMOS out or b.) there is a jumper that resets the CMOS on the MB, but I am not exactly sure where it would be located at on your laptop.

Hard Drives CAN have passwords.

Most often you'll find this feature in laptops who's BIOS allow you to set a password for Hard Drive access that is stored ON the Hard Drive!

Without entering the password the hard drive will not unlock and therefore all attempts to read or write to the drive will be denied.

There is a hugh discussion on this subject at the following post for those who are curios.

Reseting the system bios as no effect on Hard Drive passwords.

Thanks for trying though,


I talked to one of my teacher's at school, he said eh worked for IBM, and he said IBM put password protected Hard drives in the servers to protect against unauthorized access. But he said the password is stored in a EEPROM chip, and those chips can have there memory erased by exposing the inside of the chip to UV lights for about 10 minutes.

I would assume that Fujitsu deals with this in a similar manner to Dell:

Call Fujitsu tech support and tell them the problem. They will ask for verification that you are indeed the rightful owner of this laptop and email you a password that will give you access.

(That was one heck of a long discussion!)

I have the same problem. I have a 120gig Samsung drive which is locked, and no unlock password (EEPROM). Is there any hope for it?

I have the same problem. I have a 120gig Samsung drive which is locked, and no unlock password (EEPROM). Is there any hope for it?

All I have is instructions regarding Dell Laptops and their password protected hard drives. Here goes:

Setting, Changing, or Disabling a Hard-Disk Password
NOTE: If you are using Windows NT, use Page 2 of the System Setup program to assign all passwords.

To enter the System Setup program, press <Fn><F1> (or <Scroll Lock> <F1> on an external keyboard if the External Hot Key option is enabled in the System Setup program).

Press <Alt><p> to go to Page 2 of the System Setup program.

Use the up- or down-arrow key to highlight Disk Password.

Press the left- or right-arrow key once.

If you are setting or changing a password, type a password and then press <Enter>. If you are disabling a password, enter the current password and press <Enter> twice.
You can use up to eight characters (including spaces) in your password. The computer makes no distinction between lowercase or uppercase letters. As you enter each character, a placeholder appears in the field. To erase a character when typing your password, press <Backspace>.

When prompted to confirm the password, type the password again and press <Enter>.

120gig, huh? Be a shame to have to toss a nice big drive like that.
I know I'm replying to a pretty old post. Hope everything worked out for you.

Anyone out there know how to remove/reset a password from a Hard Drive?

I have a 60 Gig Fujitsu Laptop Drive that has an unknown password on it.



The Hard Drive password is stored in the controller chip on the Hard Drive Rendering the drive useless. Unless it is removed on the original computer with the correct password or someone like me does it with HARDWARE accessing the drive.I do charge a small fee,plus return shipping costs to you in the U. S.
I also require a photocopy of your driver's license with the most up to date residence . Your real legal full name,then sign underneath
saying this hard drive is 100% yours,full ownership,date and last of all a current telephone number.

commented: thread is from 2005!!!! -4

HDD Unlock Wizard. It works. I just unlocked a hdd from a toshiba laptop. Just check it out its cheeper than buying a new hdd.

Other than HDD UNLOCK WIZARD is not free but its cheap and it works. I've tried everything else in the end I still had to pay. My hdd was 120 gb so I paid 14.95 to unlock it and didnt have to send it in or anything. try it you might be amazed. If anyone out there knows of another manual method or software that can be used to so the same thing please let me know cause I have 2 more hdd's to unlock and I dont wanna pay.

recently, i booted my system (only formatted c drive).from then i was unable to access my other local drives by double clicking on them.i should go to the address bar to go to the other drives or by right clicking and selecting explore

can i know any works in internet?

contact ur administrator or the machine brand or type for assistantnce

Hard Drives CAN have passwords.

Most often you'll find this feature in laptops who's BIOS allow you to set a password for Hard Drive access that is stored ON the Hard Drive!

Without entering the password the hard drive will not unlock and therefore all attempts to read or write to the drive will be denied.

There is a hugh discussion on this subject at the following post for those who are curios.

Reseting the system bios as no effect on Hard Drive passwords.

Thanks for trying though,


resetting bios only allows u to enter bios...thats done by removing pin from #'s 1/2 and setting on 2/3... turn off power and remove... then reset...after that...all passwords are deleted from bios

its usually located beside the little round battery
there are also backdoor passwords you can try
google backdoor passwords for "list name of ur comp"

u can also remove the little silver round battery for few hrs...with power cord of and then reinsert and all passwords for bio are gone

short eprom at 3 and 6 boot the computer and that will clear the cmos i did it yesterday on a dell 6000 and if you have the ati 300 card yes just leave it out while you boot then put it back together and you will find pass word screen is still there hit enter a couple 3 times and enter bios i used a differnt hard drive to get the system working again and have yet to figure out how to crack the hard drive with dell password if ya know how please tell

i have found a company that can remove the hard drive passwords, which i know cannot be done by changing the boards, any software or any other means
but they have two services,

one is for certain drives only

the other more expensive one is for all drives

My friend give me one used hard drive, while I power on pc, error message came out--" this hd under password protection, please enter password".

I called my friend, he said he haven't touch this hd long long time, he totally forget he did setup password or not, he don't know password.
If no password enter, pc can not recognized this hd, pc keep said no hd in this pc.

How do I can clear hd password and let pc recognize this hd ?

Try adding the locked hdd as slave and boot your pc using a bootable hdd.
If you can view the locked hdd in your windows, that means you can format it or repartation it.
I think it was full hdd encryption scheme used to protect the hdd and not ATA password scheme.

my phone is lock

how to reset hard drive password emamchine eme442 windows not comings how to enter and remove psword

Hard drives dont have any passwords. If it shows the same re install your OS

If you have time, go search mhdd and learn how to use it. It will unlock your ata password

Google mhdd and learn how to use it... it will unlock the hdd once you know how...

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