The swivel broke on Gateway Tablet cx2618 running XP and for some reason the laptop wont boot up at all now. Before I submit it to Bestbuy for service, I would like to get as much as my info off as possible. It takes bestbuy three weeks for repairs. I hired a guy to retrieve my data, but he ripped me off and I only got 3 folders. I saw him take something out the back of the laptop. Presumably he inserted the laptop hard drive into another computer and copied the data. Can I do this?

I have several very very old computers in my house. The one I use most often is a Gateway circa 1998 running Windows ME. I have three other similar models. One tower and three of the more compact big dictionary sized ones. I also have two laptops that are approx 8 - 10 years old. I dont have specifics because they are in storage, but I will pull them out if I can possibly use them. I have installed a DVD drive and an internal modem before. With clear instruction, I usually do okay. I am mostly concerned about compatibility between the computers - whether the drives will fit, and be readable.

Can I do what the computer guy did. Take my hard drive out and put it in one of the computers in my house? I bought a 80GB portable drive that I would like to eventually get my data on. Can I do this? Any advice and instruction will be appreciated. Thanks

Depending on the HD, there should be no problem. Once you have the HD in your hand, you can remove the adapter revealing the standard connector which you can attach to any of your computers via the standard ribbon cable. When you fire up the computer, it should show up. If you want to get fancy, you can buy a 'laptop-to-USB' connector kit that includes a hard-case.

I don't think I left anything out. I used to work for legal 'discovery' firm getting data off of hard drives. There were probably 100 computers in the various rooms that were left open and had all sorts of HDs hanging off them.

Once your computer fires up, the HD should be added to the list of drives and you should be able to click on it. Heck, you could just keep the disk as more storage.

Depending on the HD, there should be no problem. Once you have the HD in your hand, you can remove the adapter revealing the standard connector which you can attach to any of your computers via the standard ribbon cable. I used to work for legal 'discovery' firm getting data off of hard drives.

Thanks for the response. You said 'depending on the HD.' What are the determining factors? Is there a way I can find out if it'll work before I start disassembling?

Does using the standard ribbon cable mean that I will have to disconnect the hard drive that is already in the desktop? Or will both be connected, so I can copy from one to the other?

you can buy a 'laptop-to-USB' connector kit that includes a hard-case. I dont know what that is - would it work with a dead laptop?

Funny, I actually read the data that comes off the drives collected in legal discovery.

Thanks for the response. You said 'depending on the HD.' What are the determining factors? Is there a way I can find out if it'll work before I start disassembling?

Does using the standard ribbon cable mean that I will have to disconnect the hard drive that is already in the desktop? Or will both be connected, so I can copy from one to the other?

you can buy a 'laptop-to-USB' connector kit that includes a hard-case. I dont know what that is - would it work with a dead laptop?

Funny, I actually read the data that comes off the drives collected in legal discovery.

There are usually 2 IDE connections on the motherboard; one cable connected to the motherboare can handle 2 hard drive - 1 master, 1 Slave - the slave being the farthest out from the MB connector. The second connector can handle 2 more drives; 1 master and 1 slave.

I used the phrase for wiggle room on the chance that I left something out. I really suggest that you try to get to the drive by using the ribbon cable - get all the data off the drive to a safe place before you do any playing ariound.

get all the pieces you need together 1 working pc; a ribbon cable with room for the drive - it should come together just fine - if it doesn't, then let me know - I accept private messages

There are usually 2 IDE connections on the motherboard; one cable connected to the motherboare can handle 2 hard drive - 1 master, 1 Slave - the slave being the farthest out from the MB connector. The second connector can handle 2 more drives; 1 master and 1 slave.

I used the phrase for wiggle room on the chance that I left something out. I really suggest that you try to get to the drive by using the ribbon cable - get all the data off the drive to a safe place before you do any playing ariound.

get all the pieces you need together 1 working pc; a ribbon cable with room for the drive - it should come together just fine - if it doesn't, then let me know - I accept private messages

The master is the farthest from the motherboard and the slave is the middle connector...

depending on how new the laptop is it could be SATA in that case you will need a computer with sata. is the connection really small or is it about 2 1/2" wide?

depending on how new the laptop is it could be SATA in that case you will need a computer with sata. is the connection really small or is it about 2 1/2" wide?

Its SATA. The laptop is 3 years old in January. Does that mean all new laptops will have this, or that old ones did?
Anyway, its SATA I found out the hard way. I asked the guy in WorstBuy what I needed and he recommended a RocketFish PATA hard drive enclosure kit. After I took the hardrive out I realized that it wouldnt fit in the enclosure kit. Also, my desktop still has Windows ME. [Is there a free fix for this? I have a comp with XP & Vista, but I have to send hundreds to upgrade from the ME? Dont laugh at me - I didnt know how bad it was.]

So my neighbor said he has the thing I need and that I can borrow it. I'll let you know how it goes!

The operating system shouldn't matter. what you need to find out is does your motherboard have a sata connector? my guess is that since your computer is old enough to still have ME you don't. let us know how your friends solution works out.

commented: thanx for the continued clarification. +1

new computers have SATA just to clear that one up.

Thank you all for your input. It was SATA. My neighbor had some gizmo that had the connections. He was able to hook everything up and copy it. There was a glitch of course. The files on my hard drive were buried - hard to find. I dont know what that was about. At first glance it looked as if there was nothing on the drive. He called me to tell me the drive was clean.

After I arrived, we dug around a little and found my files. I dont know what that was about.

I mentioned the Windows ME, because the software that came with the Rocketfish would not install. Ultimately it didnt matter since the RF didnt fit my hard drive.

So now, I have my files, I guess I can turn my computer over to BestBuy for weeks and weeks for repair. So scary


Thank you all for your input. It was SATA. My neighbor had some gizmo that had the connections. He was able to hook everything up and copy it. There was a glitch of course. The files on my hard drive were buried - hard to find. I dont know what that was about. At first glance it looked as if there was nothing on the drive. He called me to tell me the drive was clean.

After I arrived, we dug around a little and found my files. I dont know what that was about.

I mentioned the Windows ME, because the software that came with the Rocketfish would not install. Ultimately it didnt matter since the RF didnt fit my hard drive.

So now, I have my files, I guess I can turn my computer over to BestBuy for weeks and weeks for repair. So scary


I am going to guess that the 'expert' you hired screwed the data up somehow - you saw how easy it was to do WHY COULDN'T THAT SUPPOSED EXPERT DO IT?!

I am glad everything turned out for the best.

The master is the farthest from the motherboard and the slave is the middle connector...

depending on how new the laptop is it could be SATA in that case you will need a computer with sata. is the connection really small or is it about 2 1/2" wide?

I am so embarrassed! Shortly after I wrote that, I pulled an hd out of one of my old computers to get some data from it and the cable was very clearly labeled 'Master' on the end and slave in the middle. I am sure I knew the correct answer but fell back on what 'seemed' right, sigh.

I am going to guess that the 'expert' you hired screwed the data up somehow - you saw how easy it was to do WHY COULDN'T THAT SUPPOSED EXPERT DO IT?!

I am glad everything turned out for the best.

LMAO - Thanks again.

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